
基本的な名詞 - 台所用品










Categorized Basic English Nouns

a flat, typically round dish that we eat from or serve food on

皿, プレート

皿, プレート

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a round, deep container with an open top, used for holding food or liquid

ボウル, 器

ボウル, 器

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an object with a handle and three or four sharp points that we use for picking up and eating food



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an object that has a handle with a shallow bowl at one end that is used for eating, serving, or stirring food

スプーン, 大さじ

スプーン, 大さじ

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a sharp blade with a handle that is used for cutting or as a weapon



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a small cup typically used for drinking tea

ティーカップ, 茶碗

ティーカップ, 茶碗

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a large cup which is typically used for drinking hot beverages like coffee, tea, or hot chocolate

マグカップ, 大きなカップ

マグカップ, 大きなカップ

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a container that is used for drinks and is made of glass

グラス, 容器

グラス, 容器

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a container which is round, deep, and typically made of metal, used for cooking

鍋, ポット

鍋, ポット

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a metal container with a long handle and a lid, used for cooking

鍋, フライパン

鍋, フライパン

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a kitchen tool having a surface with sharped holes used for cutting food into very small pieces

おろし金, キッチンおろし金

おろし金, キッチンおろし金

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can opener

a tool used to open cans of food

缶切り, 缶オープナー

缶切り, 缶オープナー

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a plastic or metal bowl with many holes that is used for separating water from washed or cooked food

ザル, ストレーナー

ザル, ストレーナー

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cutting board

a wooden or plastic board on which meat or vegetables are cut

まな板, 切板

まな板, 切板

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dish rack

a kitchen tool used to hold and dry dishes after washing

皿干しラック, 皿置き

皿干しラック, 皿置き

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dish pan

a shallow, rectangular or square-shaped container, often made of plastic, used for washing dishes by hand

皿洗い用バケツ, ディッシュパン

皿洗い用バケツ, ディッシュパン

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‌a handheld object with small pieces of curved wire used for whipping cream or eggs

泡立て器, ホイッパー

泡立て器, ホイッパー

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garlic press

a small handheld kitchen tool used for crushing garlic

にんにくプレス, にんにく潰し

にんにくプレス, にんにく潰し

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a container with a wide opening and a lid, typically made of glass or ceramic, used to store food such as honey, jam, pickles, etc.

ジャー, 容器

ジャー, 容器

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a kitchen tool with a broad and flat part on one end, used for turning and lifting food



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a kitchen tool designed to mash cooked vegetables, fruits, or other foods into a soft and uniform texture

マッシャー, つぶし器

マッシャー, つぶし器

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a special device or knife for removing the skin of vegetables or fruit

皮むき器, ピーラー

皮むき器, ピーラー

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a handheld tool with a conical ridged end used for manually extracting juice from citrus fruits like lemons, limes, and oranges

レーマー, 柑橘絞り器

レーマー, 柑橘絞り器

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a container with a handle, lid, and spout for brewing and serving tea



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a flat kitchen utensil with a long handle used to lift and flip foods, such as pancakes, burgers, and vegetables, while cooking

ターンバー, スパチュラ

ターンバー, スパチュラ

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a kitchen tool used to chop or mince food into smaller pieces, such as onions, herbs, nuts, or vegetables

包丁, ハサミ

包丁, ハサミ

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one of the two thin, typically wooden sticks, used particularly by people of China, Japan, etc., to eat food

お箸, はし

お箸, はし

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dessert spoon

a medium-sized spoon designed for eating dessert

デザートスプーン, デザート用スプーン

デザートスプーン, デザート用スプーン

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steak knife

a specialized table knife with a sharp serrated edge designed to easily cut through cooked meat, especially steak

ステーキナイフ, 肉用ナイフ

ステーキナイフ, 肉用ナイフ

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table knife

a non-serrated knife with a rounded tip, used for cutting and eating food at the dining table

テーブルナイフ, 食卓用ナイフ

テーブルナイフ, 食卓用ナイフ

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a kitchen utensil with two bars that when pushed one can lift small items

トング, ピンセット

トング, ピンセット

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salt shaker

a container with holes in the top used for dispensing salt

塩入れ, 塩の瓶

塩入れ, 塩の瓶

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pepper mill

a kitchen tool used to grind whole peppercorns into a finer powder

ペッパーミル, 香辛料ミル

ペッパーミル, 香辛料ミル

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the removable cover at the top of a container

ふた, カバー

ふた, カバー

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a shallow pan with a long handle, used for frying food

スキレット, フライパン

スキレット, フライパン

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a type of large spoon with a long handle and a deep bowl, particularly used for serving liquid food

おたま, スープ用おたま

おたま, スープ用おたま

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a small tool with a pointy spiral metal for pulling out corks from bottles

コルク抜き, 栓抜き

コルク抜き, 栓抜き

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a flat object with elevated edges, often used for holding or carrying food and drink

トレー, 皿

トレー, 皿

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a glass or plastic container that has a narrow neck and is used for storing drinks or other liquids



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a deep round container with a handle and a curved opening, used for pouring liquids

ピッチャー, 水差し

ピッチャー, 水差し

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a stemmed drinking glass with a bowl-shaped top that narrows to concentrate the aroma of wine

ワイングラス, ワイン用グラス

ワイングラス, ワイン用グラス

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cake pan

a baking dish, usually round or rectangular in shape, that is used for baking cakes and other baked goods

ケーキ型, ケーキパン

ケーキ型, ケーキパン

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a flat, shallow container for cooking food in or serving it from

皿, ディッシュ

皿, ディッシュ

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pepper pot

a container with perforations on the top used for storing and dispensing ground pepper

コショウ入れ, 香辛料入れ

コショウ入れ, 香辛料入れ

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a large, flat serving dish used for presenting food, often used for serving meat, cheese, fruit, or vegetables

皿, プレート

皿, プレート

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bread knife

a long, serrated knife designed specifically for slicing through bread and other baked goods without crushing or squishing them

パンナイフ, ギザギザのナイフ

パンナイフ, ギザギザのナイフ

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mixing bowl

a bowl typically used in cooking and baking for combining ingredients

混ぜ合わせボウル, ミキシングボウル

混ぜ合わせボウル, ミキシングボウル

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soup spoon

a round-bowled spoon designed for eating soup or similar liquid dishes

スープスプーン, スープ用スプーン

スープスプーン, スープ用スプーン

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butter dish

a container used for serving butter, which typically consists of a base and a lid

バターディッシュ, バター容器

バターディッシュ, バター容器

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measuring cup

a container with numbers on it for measuring the quantity of something when cooking, used mainly in the US

計量カップ, メジャーカップ

計量カップ, メジャーカップ

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