TOEFL のための上級語彙 - 文学と執筆
ここでは、TOEFL 試験に必要な「lurid」、「epic」、「psalm」など、文学や文章に関する英単語を学びます。
(a book, play, text, etc.) made shorter than the original by omitting some details

要約された, 省略された

(of a story, play, image, etc.) using characters or events in a symbolic sense that represent a concept, quality, etc.

寓意的な, 象徴的な

(of speech or writing) using a serious and elevated style that makes it tedious and complicated

膨脹した, 堅苦しい

a poem or other piece of writing in which certain letters of each line, usually the initial letters, spell out a word or phrase


an absurd or comically exaggerated replication of a literary or dramatic work

バーレスク, パロディ

a song or poem expressing sadness, especially in the memory of a dead person or a bitter event in the past

エレジー, 哀歌

a long poem in narrative form giving an account of the extraordinary deeds and adventures of a nation's heroes or legends

叙事詩, エピック詩

a song, musical piece, poem, etc. that expresses the feeling of sorrow and sadness after a loss or death

哀歌, 嘆き歌

a drawing, speech, or text aiming to criticize something or someone in a humorous manner

パロディ, 風刺

a lyric poem, written in varied or irregular metrical form, for a particular object, person, or concept


a piece of writing, music, etc. that imitates the style of someone else in a humorous way


any holy poem, song, or hymn, especially the ones in the Book of Psalms, used in Christian and Jewish worship

詩篇, 聖なる歌

a verse of Italian origin that has 14 lines, usually in an iambic pentameter and a prescribed rhyme scheme


the continuation of a line of poetry into another couplet or stanza without a break


the use of language and figures of speech in a way that influences or entertains people


a short promotional description of a book, motion picture, etc. published on the cover of a book or in an advertisement

あらすじ, 紹介文

a list of technical terms or jargons of a particular field or text, provided in alphabetical order with an explanation for each one

用語集, グロッサリー

generally accepted rules or principles, especially those that are considered as fundamental in a field of art or philosophy

カノン, 基準

a work of fiction with an intermediate length, which could be considered a short novel


an apparent mistake or inconsistency in the narrative of a book, motion picture, etc.

プロットの穴, 物語の不整合