상호작용 - 감사와 배은망덕
"put in a word for" 및 "look a Gift Horse in the Mouth"와 같은 감사와 배은망덕에 관한 영어 숙어에 대해 알아보세요.
to feel really grateful, particularly because something dangerous or unpleasant did not happen
매우 감사하다
to try to appreciate and cherish all the good things one has in one's life
to be ungrateful to the person who has helped one by mistreating or betraying them
누군가를 배신함으로써 배은망덕하게 행동하는 것
to look for faults in a gift, favor, or opportunity that has been given to one, in a way that shows ingratitude
선물이나 호의에 대해 불평하기
to use something in the most effective or productive way
무언가를 가장 좋은 방법으로 사용하기
to talk highly of someone as a way of helping them get an advantage, such as succeeding in a job interview
누군가를 다른 사람에게 추천하는 것
to not appreciate a person or thing because one thinks one will never lose them