
행동과 접근법 - 즉흥성과 타협

즉흥 연주와 타협에 관한 영어 관용어(예: "let it Roll" 및 "off the Commission")에 대해 알아보세요.







학습 시작
English idioms related to Behavior & Approach
to cross that bridge when sb come to it

to not worry about something beforehand and deal with it whenever it happens

to take sth as it comes

to deal with things as they occur instead of planning for them in advance

뭔가가 오는 대로 가져가라

뭔가가 오는 대로 가져가라

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to let it roll

to allow things to unfold naturally without excessive interference or control, embracing a relaxed and accepting attitude towards the outcome

사물의 자연스러운 흐름에 개입하지 않음

사물의 자연스러운 흐름에 개입하지 않음

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happy medium

a condition or method that falls in between two opposing and extreme choices

무언가의 평균 양

무언가의 평균 양

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balancing act

a situation where multiple factors, responsibilities, etc. must be handled or managed

사실과 요인에 대한 세심한 조사가 필요한 상황

사실과 요인에 대한 세심한 조사가 필요한 상황

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by the seat of one's pants

in a way that solely relies on one's intuition or personal judgment rather than the necessary knowledge, tools, etc.

자신의 지식이나 판단만을 사용하여

자신의 지식이나 판단만을 사용하여

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to follow one's nose

to follow one's intuition instead of rules or what others say

자신의 본능을 신뢰

자신의 본능을 신뢰

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halfway house

something with a mixture of the different qualities of two separate things

서로 다른 두 가지의 혼합

서로 다른 두 가지의 혼합

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to meet sb halfway

to come to an agreement with someone by granting some of their requests while they grant some of one's requests

누군가의 조건에 부분적으로 동의하는 것

누군가의 조건에 부분적으로 동의하는 것

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off the cuff

without any preparations or prior plans

아무런 사전 준비 없이

아무런 사전 준비 없이

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off the top of one's head

from one's memory, without spending time to carefully consider or think

직관적이거나 즉각적

직관적이거나 즉각적

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to pluck sth out of the air

to quickly say something without thinking about it first, usually as a reply to something

아무것도 모르거나 생각하지 않고 무언가를 말하는 것

아무것도 모르거나 생각하지 않고 무언가를 말하는 것

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give sb a break

to stop being harsh or strict with someone

엄격하지 않은

엄격하지 않은

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to give sb a (free) pass

to not punish or criticize someone for their inappropriate or rude action or behavior

누군가 또는 사물의 결점을 무시하는 것

누군가 또는 사물의 결점을 무시하는 것

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to go easy on sb

to treat a person in a more gentle and caring way and be less harsh or strict with them

누군가를 부드럽게 대하는 것

누군가를 부드럽게 대하는 것

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to cut sb some slack

to not be so harsh, strict, or critical when dealing with someone

누군가에게 엄격하지 않다

누군가에게 엄격하지 않다

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to take the easy way out

to deal with a situation or problem in a way that is the easiest instead of proper or honorable

어려운 상황에서 가장 쉬운 일을 하는 것

어려운 상황에서 가장 쉬운 일을 하는 것

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free ride

a soft treatment that does not require someone to face the consequences of their actions

무임 승차

무임 승차

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to think on one's feet

to think and react quickly to something without prior thought

빠르게 생각하거나 반응함

빠르게 생각하거나 반응함

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to play sth by ear

to make decisions or take actions without prior planning or preparation, based on how the situation develops

본능적으로 행동함(소리에 반응하여)

본능적으로 행동함(소리에 반응하여)

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to be all things to all people

to continuously change one's attitudes or opinions in order to please people

항상 다른 사람을 기쁘게하려고 노력

항상 다른 사람을 기쁘게하려고 노력

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