
성공 - 부스트 및 향상

"back on the Rails" 및 "on the mend"와 같은 예를 통해 부스트 및 향상에 관한 영어 관용어를 살펴보세요.







학습 시작
English idioms related to Success
to come up roses

to have a very successful outcome, often despite initial challenges or difficulties

결국 성공한다

결국 성공한다

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to lick one's wounds

to take time to recover, heal, or regain strength after a difficult or painful experience

불행한 경험 후 회복

불행한 경험 후 회복

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quantum leap

a sudden and significant change, improvement, or increase

놀라운 성공

놀라운 성공

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to work out the kinks

to make effort to fix all the small problems of something, such as an activity or project

뭔가 문제를 해결하다

뭔가 문제를 해결하다

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back on the rails

slowly becoming successful again after a period of constant failure

끊임없는 실패 이후 점진적인 성공

끊임없는 실패 이후 점진적인 성공

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in the ascendant

gaining more popularity, power, or influence

성장하거나 발전하고 있다

성장하거나 발전하고 있다

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in the fast lane

in a state of moving or progressing rapidly, particularly with regards to one's career, success, or lifestyle

성공의 길에서

성공의 길에서

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back on track

returning to the right path after a failure, mistake, etc.

다시 성공하다

다시 성공하다

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on the mend

in a process of recovering or improving from a failure or setback

성공의 길에서

성공의 길에서

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finishing touch

something that completes or enhances an already fine piece of work

현재 상태에서 좋은 것을 개선하는 것

현재 상태에서 좋은 것을 개선하는 것

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icing on the cake

something extra that is added to something that is already good in order to make it perfect

뭔가 좋은 것 외에 뭔가 더 있는 것

뭔가 좋은 것 외에 뭔가 더 있는 것

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the cherry on (top of) the cake

the final adjustment to something already good or satisfactory just to make it perfect

뭔가 좋은 것 외에 뭔가 더 있는 것

뭔가 좋은 것 외에 뭔가 더 있는 것

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