성공 - Improvement
"come a long way" 및 "ugly duckling"과 같은 영어 숙어가 영어 향상과 어떤 관련이 있는지 알아보세요.
on one's feet
used to refer to a company, organization, etc. that is prosperous and developing rapidly
to regain one's feet
to become successful again after experiencing difficulties or financial problems
to have a long way to go
to be in a place or position where one needs to make a lot of progress in order to achieve a desired result
to land on one's feet
to experience success or good fortune, particularly after a period of facing challenges or setbacks
to make a comeback
to return to a position of success, influence or popularity after experiencing a decline or setback
to pick up the pieces
to make an effort to improve a situation after an unfortunate event or unexpected setback

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