Başarı - Güçlendirme ve Geliştirme
"Raylara geri dönmek" ve "on the onarmak" gibi örneklerle güçlendirme ve geliştirmelerle ilgili İngilizce deyimleri keşfedin.
Gözden Geçir
Flash kartlar
to have a very successful outcome, often despite initial challenges or difficulties

güllük gülistanlık olmak
to take time to recover, heal, or regain strength after a difficult or painful experience

kendini toplamaya çalışmak
to make effort to fix all the small problems of something, such as an activity or project

bir plan veya sistemdeki ufak tefek pürüzleri düzeltmek
slowly becoming successful again after a period of constant failure

işler yolunda
in a state of moving or progressing rapidly, particularly with regards to one's career, success, or lifestyle

başarı yolunda
something extra that is added to something that is already good in order to make it perfect

bu da cabası