Werk en Geld - Armoede en financiële kwesties
Ontdek Engelse idiomen die betrekking hebben op armoede en financiële kwesties, waaronder 'feel the pinch' en 'the breadline'.
to suffer ruin, failure, or defeat, due to financial difficulties, and without the possibility of recovery or rescue
to survive with only the bare minimum resources, often with no savings or financial security
(of people) without any home or shelter, therefore constantly moving from one location to another
the income level below which a person is considered to be living in poverty or experiencing financial hardship

de armoedegrens, de grens van armoede

used to refer to someone who does not have enough money and is considered poor by the society's standards
to face financial difficulties, particularly due to not having the same income as before
a period that is lacking productivity, profit, success, etc.

droogteperiode, periode van stilstand

to forgive and forget someone's debt, enabling them to start fresh without any financial obligations