Boek Solutions - Upper-intermediate - Eenheid 8 - 8A
Hier vindt u de woordenschat uit Unit 8 t/m 8A uit het cursusboek Solutions Upper-Intermediate, zoals "ongelijkheid", "globalisering", "petitie", etc.
the unfair treatment of people based on their gender, where one gender, usually women, has fewer rights, opportunities, or resources than the other

genderongelijkheid, ongelijkheid tussen geslachten

the fact that the cultures and economic systems around the world are becoming connected and similar as a result of improvement in communications and development of multinational corporations


the increase in the average temperature of the Earth as a result of the greenhouse effect

globale opwarming, stijging van de gemiddelde temperatuur

the fact or condition of not having a home

dakloosheid, gebrek aan huisvesting

the fact or process of coming to another country to permanently live there


harmful or unfair actions, words, or thoughts directed at people of different races, often based on the idea that one’s own race is more intelligent, moral, or worthy


the act of using violence such as killing people, bombing, etc. to gain political power


a series of organized activities that are intended to achieve a particular goal

campagne, operatie

a symbol or letters used in math, music, or other subjects to show an instruction, idea, etc.

teken, symbool

to provide someone or something with encouragement or help

ondersteunen, steunen

to show which candidate one wants to win in an election or which plan one supports, by marking a piece of paper, raising one's hand, etc.

stemmen, een stem uitbrengen

to make letters, words, or numbers on a surface, usually on a piece of paper, with a pen or pencil

schrijven, opstellen

a musical performance or event organized to raise money or awareness for a particular cause or charity

benefietconcert, goede doel concert

the day on which citizens of a country go to the polls to cast their vote in an election

verkiezingsdag, stemdag

a formal meeting during which a journalist asks a famous person different questions about specific subjects for publication

interview, gesprek

related to or involving the governance of a country or territory


a discussion about a particular issue between two opposing sides, mainly held publicly


the group of elected representatives whose responsibility is to create, amend, and discuss laws or address political matters

parlement, vergadering

someone who is competing in an election or for a job position

kandidaat, kandidate

an alliance between two or more countries or between political parties when forming a government or during elections


a group of people in a specific area who elect a representative to a legislative position

kiesdistrict, gezelschap

a political event in which voters choose their representatives in a government at the national or state level

algemene verkiezingen

an organized public demonstration expressing strong disapproval of an official policy or action

protest, demonstratie

to show clearly that something is true or exists by providing proof or evidence

demonstreren, tonen

a display of support for or protest against something or someone by a march or public meeting

demonstratie, betoging

a formal, organized, and usually ceremonial procession of people, often military personnel, moving in a uniform and rhythmic way

stoet, mars

to organize a specific event, such as a meeting, party, election, etc.

organiseren, houden

a large gathering of the public, especially those supporting a particular political idea or party

bijeenkomst, rally

to provide support or lift to something or someone, often by bearing the weight or preventing it from falling or collapsing

ondersteunen, houden

a sign or poster that is usually used for public display, often for advertising or promoting a message or cause

affiche, bord

a formal talk about a particular topic given to an audience

toespraak, rede

to speak loudly, often associated with expressing anger or when you cannot hear what the other person is saying

roepen, schreeuwen

a short memorable phrase that is used in advertising to draw people's attention toward something

slogan, leus

to write one's name or mark on a document to indicate acceptance, approval, or endorsement of its contents

ondertekenen, teken

a written request, signed by a group of people, that asks an organization or government to take a specific action

petitie, verzoek

problems or difficulties that arise, especially in relation to a service or facility, which require resolution or attention

probleem, moeilijkheid

the act of banning or deleting information that could be valuable to the enemy

censuur, verbod

illegal and dishonest behavior of someone, particularly one who is in a position of power

corruptie, verval

an illness in a human, animal, or plant that affects health

ziekte, kwaal

a situation where there is not enough food that causes hunger and death

hongersnood, voedseltekort

a situation in government where no one political party or group has more than half of the total number of seats in the parliament

hangende parlement, parlement zonder meerderheid

the greater number of votes by which a candidate or party wins an election


someone or something that is in a specific group, club, or organization

lid, deelnemer

the head of government in parliamentary democracies, who is responsible for leading the government and making important decisions on policies and law-making

premier, minister-president

a system of voting where the number of seats won by a political party or group of candidates is proportional to the number of votes they receive from the electorate

proportioneel systeem, proportionele vertegenwoordiging

an official choice made by an individual or a group of people in a meeting or election

stem, stemmen

any movie, picture, note, etc. designed to promote products or services to the public

advertentie, reclame