Bioscoop en Theater - Film en theater beschrijven
Hier leert u enkele Engelse woorden die verband houden met de beschrijving van film en theater, zoals "uncut", "X-rated" en "subtitled".
(of images or drawings in a movie) made to appear as if they are in motion

geanimeerd, animatie

describing a movie that has not been released theatrically but has gone directly to home video or streaming platforms

rechtstreeks op video, direct naar video

describing a film or video in which the dialogue is translated into written words on the screen in a different language than the original audio

ondertiteld, ondertitelde

referring to a version of a movie that has not been edited for content or length

ongemonteerd, volledige versie

(of a movie or film) not been assigned a rating by a ratings board

ongesorteerd, niet beoordeeld

having a wider aspect ratio than the traditional 4:3 aspect ratio, allowing for a larger viewing area

breedbeeld, widescreen

having qualities or characteristics similar to those found in movies or cinema

cinematografisch, filmisch

referring to material (usually films or videos) that is deemed inappropriate for viewers under the age of 18 due to its sexual content

18-plus, X-rated

(of an actor or role) of a great significance in a movie or play but not as important as the main role

ondersteunend, secundair

done prior to the production of a motion picture, TV program, etc.

voor-productie, pre-productief

referring to the stage of audiovisual production that occurs after filming or recording

post-productie, na productie

related to the director or the direction of a film or theatrical production

directoraal, regisseurs-

in or to the area behind the stage in a theater that is out of the audience's sight

achter het podium, in de coulissen

(particularly of a novel, motion picture, etc.) commercially successful in terms of sales and reception

commercieel succesvol, blockbuster-achtig

at or toward the anterior part of a stage in theater that is in the audience's sight

voorin het podium, richting de voorkant van het podium

situated out of sight of the audience, typically in the wings or backstage

achter de scène, buiten het podium

the area of a theater where performers act or sing in front of an audience

op het podium, in de voorstelling

describing a motion picture that people under the age of 17 need a guardian or parent in order to watch it

R-rating, verboden voor jongeren onder de 17

enthusiastic about theater and eager to become an actor

theaterliefhebber, verlangend naar een acteursloopbaan

relating to the frequent habit of going to the theatre

theaterbezoekend, van theaterbezoek

describing a movie that is suitable for everyone's view, including children

U (universeel), geschikt voor iedereen

at or toward the back part of the stage that is the most distant from the audience

aan de achterkant van het podium, achterop het podium

relating to movies or programs that are suitable or made for adolescents

jongvolwassen, voor jongvolwassenen

consisting of multiple famous entertainers, performers, etc.

ster-sterren, met sterren bezet