ACT Engels en Wereldkennis - Fysieke wereld
Hier leer je enkele Engelse woorden die verband houden met de fysieke wereld, zoals "nourish", "transspire", "inscription", enz., die je zullen helpen je ACT's te verbeteren.
the process of wearing down or smoothing a surface through friction, typically caused by rubbing, scraping, or erosion

abrasie, slijtage

the resistance that two surfaces moving on each other encounter

wrijving, frictie

the outer surface or outermost layer of an object, building, etc.

exterieur, buitenkant

the act of fully submerging something into a liquid or substance, typically for the purpose of soaking

onderdompeling, dompeling

the act of producing or releasing something, especially gas or radiation, into the atmosphere or environment

emissie, afgifte

a tiny, discrete unit of matter or substance that can range from subatomic particles like electrons and protons to larger particles like dust or sand grains

deeltje, fragment

a bright, intense flame or fire that burns strongly and produces a lot of light and heat

vlam, vuur

a narrow, flat piece of wood, metal, or plastic, typically used as a component in structures like fences, blinds, or furniture

lat, plank

a space or area that is closed off or surrounded by walls, fences, or barriers, often used for containment, protection, or confinement

omheining, afgesloten ruimte

a small indented area or alcove set back into a wall or other surface, often used for decorative or functional purposes such as display, storage, or seating

nis, depressie

a recessed part of a wall that is built further back from the rest of it

nis, alcove

the outer edge or border of a circular object, often serving as a boundary or support

rand, omranding

the area adjacent to the edge of a street or road where vehicles can park or where services, such as deliveries or pickups, often take place

straatkant, bandenparkeerruimte

a depression or hollow in a surface, typically caused by impact or pressure

deuk, verzakking

a hollow part or cavity into which something fits, typically used to connect or hold objects in place

fitting, aansluiting

the highest point where two roof slopes meet, forming a horizontal line along the top of the roof

dakkapel, top van het dak

a long, narrow cut or indentation, often linear in shape, that is typically found on surfaces such as columns, moldings, or panels in architectural design

groef, schoef

a thick and flat piece of hard material, such as a stone, metal, wood, etc. that is usually in the shape of a square or rectangle

plaat, slab

a long, narrow excavation or ditch dug into the ground, typically for military purposes, drainage, or archaeological exploration

sloot, greppel

a black powdery substance produced by burning materials like wood or coal


a clear or tinted coating made from resins, oils, and solvents that is applied to wood, metal, or other surfaces to provide a protective and decorative finish

vernis, lak

an empty or vacant space within a solid object or within a larger area, typically devoid of substance

leegte, lege ruimte

words, letters, or symbols that are engraved, carved, or written on a surface, often for commemorative, informational, or decorative purposes

inscriptie, graveerwerk

to remove a thin layer or small amount of something from a surface using a sharp or rough edge

krabben, afschrapen

to plunge or immerse entirely beneath the surface of a liquid, typically water

onderdompelen, onderwater zetten

to crush something into small particles by rubbing or pressing it against a hard surface

malen, vermalen

to crush or grind something into a fine powder or particles, often through mechanical means or forceful impact

pulveriseren, vermalen

to completely cover something with liquid by pouring it onto it

doorweken, overstromen

to produce small drops of liquid on the surface of the skin, often as a result of physical exertion, anxiety, or heat

transpireren, zweten

to give someone or something food and other things which are needed in order to grow, live, and maintain health

voeden, onderhouden

to infect or dirty something with a disease or harmful microorganism

vervuilen, besmetten

to come into sudden and forceful contact with another object or person

botsen, in botsing komen

to move through something, typically overcoming resistance

doordringen, doorboren

to cause injury to the surface of one's skin by rubbing it against something rough

schrapen, krassen

to suddenly and violently break open or apart, particularly as a result of internal pressure

barsten, ontploffen

(of a pipe or similar structure) to burst or break apart suddenly

barsten, breken

to cut something using a sharp tool, often with precision and accuracy

splijten, snijden

to take apart or disassemble a structure, machine, or object, breaking it down into its individual parts

demonteren, uit elkaar halen

to release or detach something by rotating it in a counter-clockwise direction, thereby loosening its fastening or connection

losdraaien, afdraaien

(of a construction) to fall down suddenly, particularly due to being damaged or weak

instorten, in elkaar storten

to completely destroy or to knock down a building or another structure

slopen, vernietigen

related to something that is moving or transported through the air

lucht-, in de lucht