Livro Solutions - Intermediário avançado - Unidade 3 - 3A
Aqui você encontrará o vocabulário da Unidade 3 - 3A no livro do curso Solutions Upper-Intermediate, como "carranca", "inquietação", "careta", etc.
a movement of the hands, face, or head that indicates a specific meaning

gesto, movimento

a specific look on someone's face, indicating what they are feeling or thinking

expressão, aparência

to bend the head or move the upper half of the body forward to show respect or as a way of greeting

se curvar, fazer uma reverência

to position or arrange something in a manner that creates an intersection or overlap

cruzar, sobrepor

to make small, restless movements or gestures due to nervousness or impatience

se agitar, fidgetar

to bend something in a way that one part of it touches or covers another

dobrar, fazer uma prega

one of the two body parts that is connected to the shoulder and ends with fingers


to bring your eyebrows closer together showing anger, sadness, or confusion

franzir a sobrancelha, -caretar

to twist our face in an ugly way because of pain, strong dislike, etc., or when trying to be funny

grimacear, fazer uma careta

to smile widely in a way that displays the teeth

sorrir amplamente, sorrir de orelha a orelha

to move one's head up and down as a sign of agreement, understanding, or greeting

acenar com a cabeça, aprovar

to push out one's lips as an expression of displeasure, anger, or sadness

fazer bico, puxar os lábios

to pucker or tighten one's lips together to express disapproval or concentration

fruncir, encolher

to put something or someone in a higher place or lift them to a higher position

levantar, elevar

to rub a person's or one's own skin to relieve an itching sensation, particularly with one's fingernails

coçar, arranhar

to momentarily raise one's shoulders to express indifference

dar de ombros, não se importar

each of the two parts of the body between the top of the arms and the neck


to raise one's hand and move it from side to side to greet someone or attract their attention

acenar, cumprimentar

to quickly open and close one eye as a sign of affection or to indicate something is a secret or a joke

piscadela, piscadear

to unexpectedly open one's mouth wide and deeply breathe in because of being bored or tired

bocejar, abrir a boca

a feeling of irritation or discomfort caused by something that is bothersome, unpleasant, or disruptive

aborrecimento, irritação

a feeling of nervousness or worry about a future event or uncertain outcome

ansiedade, preocupação

the feeling of being uninterested or restless because things are dull or repetitive

tédio, aburrimento

a state of disorder in which people panic and do not know what to do

confusão, desordem

a negative judgment or opinion about something, indicating a lack of approval or satisfaction

desaprovação, reprovação

the fact or state of not having the necessary information, knowledge, or understanding of something


the desire to find out or learn more about a person or thing

interesse, curiosidade

the emotional distress and suffering people try to avoid, like heartbreak or anxiety

a dor, o sofrimento

an uneasy feeling that we get because of our own or someone else's mistake or bad manner

vergonha, desonra

a sudden and intense feeling of surprise, distress, or disbelief caused by something unexpected and often unpleasant

choque, surpresa

to make a sound to remove obstruction from the throat or to prepare the voice for speaking or singing
to breathe in sharply with an open mouth, often in response to surprise, pain, or intense emotions

suspirar, respirar fundo

to make a sudden, involuntary sound caused by a spasm of the diaphragm, often as a result of eating or drinking too quickly

soluçar, gaguejar

to release a long deep audible breath, to express one's sadness, tiredness, etc.

suspirar, respirar fundo

to eat or drink noisily by inhaling a liquid or soft food, such as soup or noodles, often with a distinctive, impolite sound

sorver, chupá

to inhale air audibly through the nose, often to detect or identify a scent or odor

farejar, inspirar

to breathe through one's nose and mouth in a noisy way while asleep

roncar, respirar alto enquanto dorme