Werkwoorden van Bestaan en Actie - Werkwoorden voor gebrek aan actie
Hier leert u enkele Engelse werkwoorden die verwijzen naar gebrek aan actie, zoals "onthouding", "aarzelen" en "onthouden".
to resist or hold back from doing or saying something
zich onthouden, temmen
to avoid doing something, especially something that one enjoys
zich onthouden, vermijden
to stop doing something, particularly in response to a request, command, or understanding that it should be discontinued
stoppen, afzien van
to no longer be involved in a task or obligation
achteruitgaan, afzien
to spend time in a place, often without a specific purpose or activity
hangen, rondhangen
to not leave until a person or thing is ready or present or something happens
wachten, afwachten
to remain in one spot with nothing to do, expecting something to happen
wachten zonder iets te doen, stil blijven staan
to spend time doing nothing or nothing productive
rondhangen, niksen
to pause before saying or doing something because of uncertainty or nervousness
to refrain from taking action when it is necessary
aan de zijlijn staan, niet ingrijpen
to refrain from taking immediate action or speaking out, typically due to uncertainty, reluctance
tegenhouden, inhouden
to watch an event or incident without getting involved
toekijken, observen
to spend time standing in a place without doing anything purposeful or without having a particular reason to be there
staand blijven, niets doen
to decide not to do or have something; to abstain from
verzuimen, afzien van
to hesitate to do or say something, often due to uncertainty or shyness
aarzelen, terughouden
to stand around in a public place without an apparent or clear purpose
hangen, rondscharrelen