Verbos Relacionados a Temas - Verbos relacionados a líquidos
Aqui você aprenderá alguns verbos em inglês referentes a líquidos, como "flow", "gotejamento" e "umedecer".
to move smoothly and continuously in one direction, especially in a current or stream

fluir, correr

(of liquid or gas) to escape through a hole or crack in a container or structure

vazar, escapar

to accidentally cause a liquid or substance to flow out of its container or onto a surface

derramar, vazar

to completely cover something with liquid by pouring it onto it

encher de água, molver

to put something in a liquid for a period of time to allow it to absorb or become saturated

mergulhar, embebedar

rain that falls in small, fine drops, creating a gentle and steady rainfall

chuvisco, chuva leve

(of a river) to become filled and overflown with water and spread it onto the surrounding lands

inundar, transbordar

to take out the liquid from something in a way that it is not wet anymore

secar, enxugar