Литература - Элементы поэзии
Здесь вы выучите некоторые английские слова, связанные с элементами поэзии, такие как «арсис», «ямб» и «внутренняя рифма».
a syllable in a line of verse that is either long or short, depending on the context of the poem or the specific metrical pattern being used

двусложная, неопределяемая слог

the rhythm or flow of sound in speech or music, often characterized by the rise and fall of pitch and the length of syllables or notes

каденция, ритм

a rhetorical break or pause in the middle of a line of poetry, in modern prosody

a line of verse that ends with a complete pause and a grammatical or logical conclusion, often indicated by punctuation such as a period or comma

конечная остановка, остановка в конце

the continuation of a sentence or clause beyond the end of a line of verse, without a grammatical pause or conclusion


the basic unit of verse meter, consisting of one stressed syllable and one or more unstressed syllables

cтихотворный размер
a half-line of verse, either the first or second half of a line, separated by a pause or caesura


a pair of rhymed verses, consisting of ten syllables and five stresses, or an iambic pentameter

героическое двустишие
a metrical foot in poetry consisting of two syllables, the first unstressed and the second stressed

ямб, ямбовый

a metrical unit in poetry consisting of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable

a rhyme in poetry that occurs in the middle of a single line of verse

внутренняя рифма
the point at which a line of poetry ends and a new line begins, often used by poets to create emphasis, pause, or structure within a poem

перенос строки, разрыв строки

a unit of rhythm or meter in poetry, consisting of one stressed syllable and one or more unstressed syllables

метрический фут, поэтический метр

a type of rhyme scheme in poetry where rhyming words or syllables appear in unexpected places within a line

нецентрованная рифма, рифма смещенного центра

the systematic study of metrical structures and sounds in poetry

просодия, стихосложение
a repeated line or phrase in a poem or song, typically at the end of each stanza or verse

a series of lines in a poem, usually with recurring rhyme scheme and meter

a rhythmic and structural division of a poem consisting of a series of lines arranged together as a unit

строфа, строфы

a metrical foot in poetry consisting of one stressed syllable followed by one unstressed syllable
