Медицинская Наука - Операции и процедуры
Здесь вы выучите некоторые английские слова, связанные с операциями и процедурами, такие как «ангиопластика», «шунтирование» и «трансплантат».
a surgical procedure in which a surgeon creates a new pathway for the transport of substances in the body
the surgical removal of the protecting loose skin of a male's penis
a medical procedure that involves widening narrowed or blocked blood vessels, typically performed on arteries, to improve blood flow
ангиопластика, расширение кровеносных сосудов
a surgical procedure in which the appendix gets removed
a surgical procedure where an opening is made in the abdomen to redirect part of the colon for waste elimination
a surgical procedure to remove tissue from the inner lining of the uterus
расширение шейки матки и выскабливание
a medical procedure to align a person's physical characteristics with their gender identity, often used by transgender individuals
гормональная хирургия, операция по изменению пола
a procedure that creates new pathways for blood flow around blocked or narrowed coronary arteries to improve heart muscle blood supply
операция аортокоронарного шунтирования, коронарное шунтирование
a surgical procedure in which a woman's uterus is removed, often performed for medical reasons such as to treat certain health conditions
a minimally invasive surgical procedure that uses a small camera to view and treat conditions inside the abdomen or pelvis
a surgical procedure that involves making a larger cut in the abdomen to access and treat internal organs or address certain medical conditions
a type of weight-loss surgery that that aims to help manage obesity by shrinking the size of someone's stomach so that they will eat less food
желудочное шунтирование
a surgical procedure by which a doctor replaces a missing or damaged tissue or bone with a healthy substitute
a surgical operation that is performed in order to treat severe mental disorders by cutting into part of a person's brain
a surgical procedure in which a small, localized mass or tumor, typically in the breast, is removed while preserving the surrounding tissue
ломпэктомия, удаление опухоли
a precise surgical technique that uses a microscope for intricate procedures on small structures
any type of surgery that requires making a large incision in the chest wall to make the heart easier for the surgeon to reach
операция на открытом сердце
a device or drug delivery system that is permanently placed in the body
a surgical procedure to reconstruct or create a vagina, commonly used for gender affirmation or medical purposes
a surgical procedure to remove stones from the urinary tract
a surgical procedure that involves removing part of the vertebral bone, called the lamina, to relieve pressure on the spinal cord or nerves
ламинэктомия, ламинэктомия
a surgical procedure that removes part of a vertebral lamina to relieve spinal nerve pressure or treat spinal conditions
гемиламинектомия, хирургическая гемиламинектомия
a surgical operation performed on the nervous system, particularly the brain and spinal cord
a surgical procedure that involves the removal of the tonsils, often performed to alleviate recurrent throat infections or breathing difficulties
a surgical procedure that involves creating an opening in the neck to provide a direct airway, often done to assist with breathing in cases of airway obstruction or respiratory problems
a surgical operation for male sterilization or permanent contraception
a medical procedure involving the transplantation of organs from animals, usually pigs, to humans to address organ shortages
ксенотрансплантация, ксенотрансплант
a surgical procedure to replace defective or damaged organs by transplanting or implanting artificial ones
хирургия запасных частей
a minimally invasive procedure that uses an endoscope to treat sinus-related conditions by removing obstructions or enlarging sinus passages
эндоскопическая синусовая хирургия, эндоскопическая операция на синусах
a medical procedure involving the movement of organs, tissues, or cells from one person to another to replace or repair damaged or failing body parts
трансплантация, пересадка
a medical treatment that involves surgical procedures for conditions related to the jaw, face, and mouth
максилофациальная хирургия, челюстно-лицевая хирургия
a procedure to remove or destroy tissue, often used for treating tumors or cardiac rhythm issues
абляция, экстирпация
a surgical procedure involving the removal of the breast tissue, often performed as a treatment for breast cancer or as a preventive measure
a non-invasive procedure that uses high-energy radiation to precisely treat tumors or lesions without surgery
радиохирургия, радиохирургическое лечение
a medical procedure that uses shock waves or lasers to break down kidney or urinary tract stones without surgery
литотрипсия, ударно-волновая терапия
a specialized surgical technique that uses three-dimensional coordinates or imaging guidance to precisely target and treat specific areas of the body
стереотаксическая хирургия, стереотаксическая операция
a strong blow to the chest over the heart used to restore normal heart rhythm during cardiac arrest or arrhythmias
предсердечный толчок, удар по грудной клетке
a procedure that clears blockages in the Eustachian tube by using positive pressure to equalize ear pressure
полицеризация, политеризация
blood filtering for managing kidney dysfunction or acute renal failure
a medical procedure that provides temporary mechanical support to the heart and lungs by circulating and oxygenating blood outside of the body
экстракорпоральная мембранная оксигенация, ЭКМО (экстракорпоральная мембранная оксигенация)
a medical procedure that involves placing a tube into the trachea, or windpipe, to establish an open airway for breathing, often used in cases of respiratory distress or during anesthesia for surgery
трахеальная интубация, интубация трахеи
a medical procedure that involves delivering fluids, medications, or nutrients directly into a person's bloodstream through a vein using a needle or catheter
внутривенная терапия, инъекция
a medical procedure or method that makes a person or animal incapable of reproduction
стерилизация, стерилизовать
a surgical procedure to create a breathing passage in the neck
a procedure to replace damaged or diseased bone marrow with healthy stem cells
трансплантация костного мозга, пересадка костного мозга
a surgical procedure to implant electrodes in the brain to treat movement disorders like Parkinson's disease
глубокая стимуляция мозга, глубокая стимуляция головного мозга