Beslut, Förslag och Skyldighet - Beslut och resolution
Här kommer du att lära dig några engelska ord relaterade till beslut och beslut som "appeal", "by default" och "absolute".
the fact of being responsible for what someone does and being able to explain the reasons
responsible for one's actions and prepared to explain them
ansvarsfull person
an official judgment in court of law that declares someone not guilty of the crime they were charged with
to make a formal decision or judgment about who is right in an argument or dispute
döma ett ärende
the act or process of making a formal decision about who is right in an argument or dispute
someone who makes a formal decision about who is right in an argument or dispute
the action of starting to use a certain plan, name, method, or idea
användning av idéer, ord etc.
any of the available possibilities that one can choose from
(law) the procedure of formally asking a higher court to dismiss and reverse the decision made by a lower court
överklaga en domstol
to make a formal request to change a decision that has been made by an authority such as a judge
a person who appeals in a higher court against a decision made in a lower court
a special court that people can appeal against the decisions of lower courts
a possible way of tackling a problem or getting something done
an official decision based on which something is given to someone
beslut att ge någon en utmärkelse
to make a formal decision to give someone something valuable s a recognition of merit, achievement, or entitlement
used for saying that choosing out of the two possible options is not really going to make a difference as the result will be the same either way
liknande alternativ
used to suggest that in a state of desperation, one must accept whatever is available, rather than being selective or demanding
tiggare kan inte vara väljare
in a situation where both choices lead to an undesirable outcome
när någon måste välja mellan två dåliga alternativ
to do what one pleases, free of control and interference of others
göra saker på ett sätt man gillar
a way of making a decision about a product's popularity or distinguishing features by trying different products, usually without knowing their name in order to state ones opinions or preferences
blind test
a situation in which supply exceeds demand that gives buyers an advantage in terms of price and choice
köparens marknad