Duyular ve Duygular Fiilleri - Görünürlük için Fiiller
Burada "görünmek", "açıklamak" ve "sergilemek" gibi görünürlükle ilgili bazı İngilizce fiilleri öğreneceksiniz.
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to appear as a large shape that is unclear, particularly in a manner that is threatening

korkutucu olarak ortaya çıkmak
to cause someone to feel or experience a particular emotion, often unexpectedly.

uyandırmak, ortaya çıkarmak

(of a noticeable and positive attribute) to become apparent

parlamak, şeffaf bir şekilde görünmek

to appear or arise unexpectedly, often referring to a problem, issue, or situation that was not previously anticipated or planned for

beklenmedik biçimde ortaya çıkmak
to reveal, uncover, or make visible something that was hidden or covered

açığa çıkarmak, ortaya çıkarmak

to remove a cover from a statue, painting, etc. for the people to see, particularly as part of a public ceremony

ortaya çıkarmak
to make something naked, often by removing covering, vegetation, or natural elements

çıplak bırakmak
to remove a mask, revealing one's true identity or nature

maskesini kaldırmak, açığa çıkarmak

to clearly show that one has a quality or a feeling about someone or something

açıkça göstermek
to proudly display the positive qualities or attributes of something in order to showcase its best features

gösteriş yapmak, gösterme amacıyla sergilemek