Verbos de Sentidos y Emociones - Verbos para visibilidad
Aquí aprenderás algunos verbos en inglés que se refieren a la visibilidad como "appear", "unveil" y "exhibit".
Tarjetas de memoria
to appear as a large shape that is unclear, particularly in a manner that is threatening

to cause someone to feel or experience a particular emotion, often unexpectedly.

provocar, despertar

(of a noticeable and positive attribute) to become apparent

destacar, brillar a través de

to appear or arise unexpectedly, often referring to a problem, issue, or situation that was not previously anticipated or planned for

surgir, aparecer

to reveal, uncover, or make visible something that was hidden or covered

exponer, revelar

to remove a cover from a statue, painting, etc. for the people to see, particularly as part of a public ceremony

desvelar, descubrir
to make something naked, often by removing covering, vegetation, or natural elements

to clearly show that one has a quality or a feeling about someone or something

to proudly display the positive qualities or attributes of something in order to showcase its best features

presumir, lucir