Словниковий Запас для IELTS (Академічний) - Енергія і паливо
Тут ви дізнаєтесь деякі англійські слова про енергію та паливо, такі як «біомаса», «відновлювана енергія», «випромінювання» тощо, які необхідні для іспиту IELTS.
animal or plant substances or other organic matter that is used as a source of fuel


operated or produced by the use of coal as fuel

вугіллям, опалювальний на вугіллі

(physics) a source of power that is required to do any work that may exist in potential, kinetic, thermal and other forms


a fuel that is found in nature and obtained from the remains of plants and animals that died millions of years ago, such as coal and gas

викопне паливо
the energy that is obtained through different means, such as electrical or solar, to operate different equipment or machines

(of a resource, energy, etc.) naturally restored as fast as or faster than they are used up

power that is obtained from the sun in the form of electrical energy

сонячна енергія, енергія

a piece of equipment, usually placed on a roof, that absorbs the energy of sun and uses it to produce electricity or heat

сонячна панель

a clean and powerful energy that is obtained by splitting atoms, which then can be used to produce heat, electricity, etc.

атомної енергії
(physics) a nuclear reaction by which the nuclei of atoms combine and form a heavier nucleus, producing nuclear energy

злиття, ядерне злиття

the accident in which the core of a nuclear reactor fails to operate and the fuel melts the container releasing an alarming level of radiation

ядерне плавлення, аварія ядерного реактора

(physics) a structure that harnesses the energy produced from a nuclear reaction and converts it into electricity

ядерний реактор, атомний реактор

the energy transmitted in the form of particles or waves through the space or a matter


the dangerous and radioactive byproduct of a nuclear reaction

радіоактивні відходи, радіоактивні рештки

to make a fire or spark while two surfaces are rubbed against each other

вдарити, викликати іскру

an engine that uses compression ignition system to burn a type of heavy oil as fuel


a liquid fuel that is used in internal combustion engines such as car engines, etc.

бензин, паливо

a complete loss of electricity in a specific area

вимкнення електроенергії, падіння електрики

a flow of electricity resulted from the movement of electrically charged particles in a direction

струм, електричний струм

a form of energy that is produced from organic or biological sources, which can be naturally replaced

біоенергія, біологічна енергія

a gas, especially methane, that is produced as a result of the decomposition of animal or plant remains, which is used as fuel


energy that is generated from the force of running water

гідроелектрика, енергетика з води