
Sách English File - Trung cấp cao - Bài 2A

Tại đây, bạn sẽ tìm thấy các từ vựng từ Bài 2A trong giáo trình Tiếng Anh File Upper Middle, chẳng hạn như "nhẹ", "tình trạng", "vỉ", v.v.


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Bắt đầu học
English File - Upper Intermediate

the state of being physically or mentally sick

bệnh, sự đau ốm

bệnh, sự đau ốm

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any physical damage to a part of the body caused by an accident or attack

chấn thương, tổn thương

chấn thương, tổn thương

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having little importance, effect, or seriousness, particularly when compared to other similar things

nhỏ, thứ yếu

nhỏ, thứ yếu

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a medical problem, such as a disorder, illness, etc.

tình trạng, bệnh

tình trạng, bệnh

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to cough

to push air out of our mouth with a sudden noise



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a pain in the head, usually persistent

đau đầu, bệnh đau nửa đầu

đau đầu, bệnh đau nửa đầu

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a pain in someone's back

đau lưng, đau ở lưng

đau lưng, đau ở lưng

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a pain inside the ear

đau tai, đau ở tai

đau tai, đau ở tai

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a pain in or near someone's stomach

đau bụng, đau dạ dày

đau bụng, đau dạ dày

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pain felt in a tooth or several teeth

đau răng, đau nhức răng

đau răng, đau nhức răng

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a part of one's skin covered with red spots, which is usually caused by a sickness or an allergic reaction

phát ban, nổi mẩn

phát ban, nổi mẩn

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a condition characterized by a body temperature above the normal range, often indicating an immune response to infection or illness within the body

nhiệt độ cao, sốt

nhiệt độ cao, sốt

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pain and redness of the skin caused by overexposure to the sun

cháy nắng, bỏng nắng

cháy nắng, bỏng nắng

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to be sick

to throw up the contents of the stomach, often due to illness or nausea

nôn, mửa

nôn, mửa

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to vomit

to eject what has been eaten or drunk through the mouth

nôn, ó

nôn, ó

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to sneeze

to blow air out of our nose and mouth in a sudden way

hắt xì hơi

hắt xì hơi

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any physical injury, pain, suffering, or damage

vết thương, đau

vết thương, đau

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a continuous pain in a part of the body, often not severe

cơn đau, khó chịu

cơn đau, khó chịu

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to bleed

to lose blood from an injury or wound

chảy máu, mất máu

chảy máu, mất máu

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sore throat

a condition when you feel pain in the throat, usually caused by bacteria or viruses

đau họng, viêm họng

đau họng, viêm họng

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a medical condition in which body waste turns to liquid and comes out frequently

tiêu chảy

tiêu chảy

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to feel

to experience a particular emotion

cảm thấy, trải nghiệm

cảm thấy, trải nghiệm

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not in a good and healthy physical or mental state

ốm, không khỏe

ốm, không khỏe

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[Tính từ]
to faint

to suddenly lose consciousness from a lack of oxygen in the brain, which is caused by a shock, etc.

ngất xỉu, mất ý thức

ngất xỉu, mất ý thức

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a swollen area on the skin filled with liquid, caused by constant rubbing or by burning

mụn nước, bọng nước

mụn nước, bọng nước

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having a temperature lower than the human body's average temperature

lạnh, mát

lạnh, mát

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an infectious disease similar to a bad cold, causing fever and severe pain



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unable to keep one's balance and feeling as though everything is circling around one, caused by an illness or looking down from a high place

chóng mặt, lảo đảo

chóng mặt, lảo đảo

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[Tính từ]
to cut

to accidentally wound and hurt yourself or others, especially with a sharp object, causing the skin to break and bleed

cắt, làm tổn thương

cắt, làm tổn thương

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(of a person) unresponsive and unaware of the surroundings, usually due to an illness or injury

không còn ý thức, không tỉnh táo

không còn ý thức, không tỉnh táo

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[Tính từ]
allergic reaction

a reaction caused by inhaling, touching, or ingesting specific substances that one's body is severely sensitive to

phản ứng dị ứng, phản ứng của dị ứng

phản ứng dị ứng, phản ứng của dị ứng

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[Danh từ]
running water

water that is brought into a house, building, etc. through pipes

nước chảy, nước ống dẫn

nước chảy, nước ống dẫn

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slightly wet, particularly in an uncomfortable way

ẩm ướt, đẫm

ẩm ướt, đẫm

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[Tính từ]

material used for making clothes, which is made by knitting or weaving silk, cotton, etc.

vải, chất liệu

vải, chất liệu

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to rub

to apply pressure to a surface with back and forth or circular motions

xoa, chà

xoa, chà

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to press

to push a thing tightly against something else

nhấn, ép

nhấn, ép

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to tip

to move something into an angled position where one side is lower or higher than the other

nghiêng, đổ

nghiêng, đổ

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to pinch

to tightly grip and squeeze something, particularly someone's flesh, between one's fingers

nhéo, siết chặt

nhéo, siết chặt

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a piece of cloth that is put around a wound to prevent infections

băng, băng gạc

băng, băng gạc

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a painful injury resulting in the sudden twist of a bone or joint, particularly one's wrist or ankles

bong gân, trật khớp

bong gân, trật khớp

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blood pressure

the pressure at which one's blood circulates one's body

huyết áp, áp lực máu

huyết áp, áp lực máu

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[Danh từ]

having a value or level greater than usual or expected, often in terms of numbers or measurements

cao, nâng cao

cao, nâng cao

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[Tính từ]

small or below average in degree, value, level, or amount

thấp, ít

thấp, ít

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food poisoning

an illness resulting from the consumption of food or water contaminated with bacteria

ngộ độc thực phẩm, bệnh do thực phẩm

ngộ độc thực phẩm, bệnh do thực phẩm

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[Danh từ]
to choke

to not be able to speak clearly and normally due to experiencing very strong emotions

nghẹt thở, nói ngập ngừng

nghẹt thở, nói ngập ngừng

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[Động từ]
to burn

to be on fire and be destroyed by it

bùng cháy, đốt cháy

bùng cháy, đốt cháy

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to lie down

to put one's body in a flat position in order to sleep or rest

nằm xuống, nằm

nằm xuống, nằm

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to pass out

to lose consciousness

ngất xỉu, mất ý thức

ngất xỉu, mất ý thức

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to come around

to awaken from a state of unconsciousness

tỉnh lại, khôi phục ý thức

tỉnh lại, khôi phục ý thức

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to get over

to recover from an unpleasant or unhappy experience, particularly an illness

hồi phục từ, vượt qua

hồi phục từ, vượt qua

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to throw up

to expel the contents of the stomach through the mouth

nôn, mửa

nôn, mửa

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