
كتاب English File - فوق المتوسط - الدرس 2 أ

ستجد هنا المفردات من الدرس 2أ في كتاب اللغة الإنجليزية للمستوى فوق المتوسط، مثل "minor"، و"condition"، و"blister"، وما إلى ذلك.




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English File - Upper Intermediate

the state of being physically or mentally sick

مرض, علّة

مرض, علّة

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any physical damage to a part of the body caused by an accident or attack

إصابة, جرح

إصابة, جرح

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having little importance, effect, or seriousness, particularly when compared to other similar things

ثانوي, بسيط

ثانوي, بسيط

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a medical problem, such as a disorder, illness, etc.

حالة, شرط

حالة, شرط

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to cough

to push air out of our mouth with a sudden noise



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a pain in the head, usually persistent

صداع, ألم الرأس

صداع, ألم الرأس

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a pain in someone's back

ألم الظهر, آلام الظهر

ألم الظهر, آلام الظهر

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a pain inside the ear

ألم الأذن, التهاب الأذن

ألم الأذن, التهاب الأذن

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a pain in or near someone's stomach

ألم في المعدة, وجع البطن

ألم في المعدة, وجع البطن

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pain felt in a tooth or several teeth

ألم الأسنان, آلام الأسنان

ألم الأسنان, آلام الأسنان

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a part of one's skin covered with red spots, which is usually caused by a sickness or an allergic reaction

طفح جلدي, هرش

طفح جلدي, هرش

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a condition characterized by a body temperature above the normal range, often indicating an immune response to infection or illness within the body

درجة حرارة عالية, حمى

درجة حرارة عالية, حمى

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pain and redness of the skin caused by overexposure to the sun

حروق الشمس, احمرار الشمس

حروق الشمس, احمرار الشمس

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to be sick

to throw up the contents of the stomach, often due to illness or nausea

تقيؤ, يتقيأ

تقيؤ, يتقيأ

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to vomit

to eject what has been eaten or drunk through the mouth

تقيأ, قذف

تقيأ, قذف

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to sneeze

to blow air out of our nose and mouth in a sudden way



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any physical injury, pain, suffering, or damage

إصابة, ألم

إصابة, ألم

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a continuous pain in a part of the body, often not severe

ألم, وجع

ألم, وجع

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to bleed

to lose blood from an injury or wound

ينزف, تفقد الدم

ينزف, تفقد الدم

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sore throat

a condition when you feel pain in the throat, usually caused by bacteria or viruses

التهاب الحلق, ألم الحلق

التهاب الحلق, ألم الحلق

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a medical condition in which body waste turns to liquid and comes out frequently



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to feel

to experience a particular emotion

يشعر, يختبر

يشعر, يختبر

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not in a good and healthy physical or mental state

مريض, غير صحي

مريض, غير صحي

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to faint

to suddenly lose consciousness from a lack of oxygen in the brain, which is caused by a shock, etc.

يغشي عليه, يفقد الوعي

يغشي عليه, يفقد الوعي

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a swollen area on the skin filled with liquid, caused by constant rubbing or by burning

فقاعة, بثرة

فقاعة, بثرة

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having a temperature lower than the human body's average temperature

بارد, مثلج

بارد, مثلج

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an infectious disease similar to a bad cold, causing fever and severe pain



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unable to keep one's balance and feeling as though everything is circling around one, caused by an illness or looking down from a high place

دوار, مترنح

دوار, مترنح

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to cut

to accidentally wound and hurt yourself or others, especially with a sharp object, causing the skin to break and bleed

قطع, جرح

قطع, جرح

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(of a person) unresponsive and unaware of the surroundings, typically caused by either an illness or injury

غير واعي, غافل

غير واعي, غافل

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allergic reaction

a reaction caused by inhaling, touching, or ingesting specific substances that one's body is severely sensitive to

رد فعل تحسسي, تفاعل تحسسي

رد فعل تحسسي, تفاعل تحسسي

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running water

water that is brought into a house, building, etc. through pipes

المياه الجارية, المياه المتدفقة

المياه الجارية, المياه المتدفقة

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slightly wet, particularly in an uncomfortable way

رطب, مبلل

رطب, مبلل

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material used for making clothes, which is made by knitting or weaving silk, cotton, etc.

قماش, نسيج

قماش, نسيج

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to rub

to apply pressure to a surface with back and forth or circular motions

فرك, دعك

فرك, دعك

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to press

to push a thing tightly against something else

ضغط, ضغطة

ضغط, ضغطة

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to tip

to move something into an angled position where one side is lower or higher than the other

ميل, أسقط

ميل, أسقط

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to pinch

to tightly grip and squeeze something, particularly someone's flesh, between one's fingers

قرص, عصر

قرص, عصر

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a piece of cloth that is put around a wound to prevent infections

ضمادة, رباط

ضمادة, رباط

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a painful injury resulting in the sudden twist of a bone or joint, particularly one's wrist or ankles

التواء, تمزق

التواء, تمزق

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blood pressure

the pressure at which one's blood circulates one's body

ضغط الدم, ضغط الشرايين

ضغط الدم, ضغط الشرايين

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having a value or level greater than usual or expected, often in terms of numbers or measurements

مرتفع, عالٍ

مرتفع, عالٍ

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small or below average in degree, value, level, or amount

منخفض, قليل

منخفض, قليل

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food poisoning

an illness resulting from the consumption of food or water contaminated with bacteria

تسمم غذائي, مرض من الطعام

تسمم غذائي, مرض من الطعام

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to choke

to not be able to speak clearly and normally due to experiencing very strong emotions

يختنق, يعيق الكلام

يختنق, يعيق الكلام

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to burn

to be on fire and be destroyed by it

يحترق, يشتعل

يحترق, يشتعل

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to lie down

to put one's body in a flat position in order to sleep or rest

يستلقي, يضع نفسه

يستلقي, يضع نفسه

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to pass out

to lose consciousness

فقد الوعي, إغماء

فقد الوعي, إغماء

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to come around

to awaken from a state of unconsciousness

يستفيق, يستعيد وعيه

يستفيق, يستعيد وعيه

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to get over

to recover from an unpleasant or unhappy experience, particularly an illness

يتعافى من, يتجاوز

يتعافى من, يتجاوز

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to throw up

to expel the contents of the stomach through the mouth

يتقيأ, يستفرغ

يتقيأ, يستفرغ

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