
Sách Insight - Cao cấp - Đơn vị 2 - 2C

Tại đây bạn sẽ tìm thấy các từ vựng từ Unit 2 - 2C trong giáo trình Insight Advanced, chẳng hạn như "bị cáo", "gây nguy hiểm", "lời chứng", v.v.


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Insight - Advanced
to defend

to not let any harm come to someone or something

bào chửa

bào chửa

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a person in a law court who is sued by someone else or is accused of committing a crime

chỉ người bào chửa

chỉ người bào chửa

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[Danh từ]
to testify

to make a statement as a witness in court saying something is true

làm chứng (tại tòa)

làm chứng (tại tòa)

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a formal statement saying something is true, particularly made by a witness in court

lời khai pháp lý

lời khai pháp lý

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to plead

to state in a court of law, in front of the judge and the jury, whether someone is guilty or not guilty of a crime

[Động từ]
to confess

to admit, especially to the police or legal authorities, that one has committed a crime or has done something wrong



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a personal account where someone openly admits to their mistakes or reveals private details about their life

nhận lỗi

nhận lỗi

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to jeopardize

to put something or someone in danger of harm, loss, or suffering

gây nguy hiểm

gây nguy hiểm

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[Động từ]

in the risk of being harmed, damaged, or destroyed

nguy cơ

nguy cơ

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[Danh từ]
to penalize

to impose a punishment on someone for a wrongdoing or violation

bắt phạt

bắt phạt

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[Động từ]

a punishment or consequence imposed as a result of violating rules

hình phạt

hình phạt

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[Danh từ]
to prosecute

to try to charge someone officially with a crime in a court as the lawyer of the accuser

thực hiện hành động pháp lý

thực hiện hành động pháp lý

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[Động từ]

the process of bringing someone to court in an attempt to prove their guilt

sự kiện người nào

sự kiện người nào

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[Danh từ]
to absolve

to release someone from blame, guilt, or obligation, clearing them of any wrongdoing

giải thoát

giải thoát

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[Động từ]

an official judgment in court of law that declares someone not guilty of the crime they were charged with

sự làm tròn

sự làm tròn

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[Danh từ]
to acquit

to officially decide and declare in a law court that someone is not guilty of a crime

tha bổng ai đó

tha bổng ai đó

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[Động từ]
to implicate

to involve or suggest someone's participation or connection in a crime or wrongdoing

chứa đựng

chứa đựng

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[Động từ]
to exonerate

to clear someone from blame or responsibility for a wrongdoing or crime, often through evidence



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to remand

to send a case back to a court of lower authority for additional reconsideration or review

gửi lại vụ án cho tòa án

gửi lại vụ án cho tòa án

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[Động từ]
to convict

to announce officially that someone is guilty of a crime in a court of law

kết án ai đó

kết án ai đó

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[Động từ]
to detain

to officially hold someone in a place, such as a jail, and not let them go

giam giữ ai đó

giam giữ ai đó

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[Động từ]
to release

to let someone leave a place in which they have been confined or stuck

giải phóng ai đó

giải phóng ai đó

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