
Giao Thông Đường Bộ - Hành động chuyển tuyến

Tại đây, bạn sẽ học một số từ tiếng Anh liên quan đến hành động chuyển tuyến như "lái xe", "đi làm" và "lên tàu".


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Words Related to Land Transportation
to drive

to control the movement and the speed of a car, bus, truck, etc. when it is moving

trực tiếp điều khiển phương tiện

trực tiếp điều khiển phương tiện

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[Động từ]
to bike

to use a bicycle to reach one's destination

xe đạp

xe đạp

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to ride

to sit on open-spaced vehicles like motorcycles or bicycles and be in control of their movements

[Động từ]
to motor

to move or travel using a motor or engine-powered vehicle

đi du lịch

đi du lịch

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[Động từ]
to truck

to transport or convey goods by truck or a similar vehicle

buôn bán

buôn bán

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[Động từ]
to run

(of means of transportation) to make a scheduled and regular journey along a specific route

đâm xuyên qua

đâm xuyên qua

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[Động từ]

a ride in a vehicle that takes someone from one place to another

bề cao của sự nâng lên

bề cao của sự nâng lên

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[Danh từ]
to pick up

to let a person waiting by a road or street to get inside one's vehicle and give them a ride

chở ai đó đi nhờ

chở ai đó đi nhờ

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[Động từ]
to drop

to release or unload people or cargo from a vehicle, allowing them to come to rest on the ground or another surface



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to commute

to regularly travel to one's place of work and home by different means

đi lại thường xuyên

đi lại thường xuyên

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to bypass

to navigate around or avoid something by taking an alternative route or direction

[Động từ]
to hitchhike

to travel by getting free rides in passing vehicles, typically by standing at the side of the road and signaling drivers to stop

có giang

có giang

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[Động từ]
to carpool

to share a vehicle ride with one or more people, especially for commuting

đi chung xe

đi chung xe

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to alight

to get off or out of a vehicle or conveyance, especially after a journey

đáp xuống

đáp xuống

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to board

to get on a means of transportation such as a train, bus, aircraft, ship, etc.



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[Động từ]
to catch

to reach and get on a bus, aircraft, or train in time

đến xe buýt, máy bay, v.v. kịp thời

đến xe buýt, máy bay, v.v. kịp thời

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[Động từ]
to change

to move from a vehicle, airplane, etc. to another in order to continue a journey

[Động từ]
to get

to use a taxi, bus, train, plane, etc. for transportation

bắt được

bắt được

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[Động từ]
to hail

to signal an approaching taxi or bus to stop



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to hop

to take a short and usually informal trip, often by using public transportation or a small aircraft

bắt được

bắt được

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[Động từ]
to take

to use a particular route or means of transport in order to go somewhere

bị bịnh

bị bịnh

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[Động từ]
to terminate

(of a vehicle) to come to a complete stop at the end of its journey

kết liểu

kết liểu

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[Động từ]
to change

to move from a vehicle, airplane, etc. to another in order to continue a journey

[Động từ]
to get in

to physically enter a vehicle, such as a car or taxi

[Động từ]
to detrain

to get off a train

xuống tàu

xuống tàu

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[Động từ]
to ply

to travel along a specific path on a regular basis

đi du lịch một tuyến đường thường xuyên

đi du lịch một tuyến đường thường xuyên

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[Động từ]
to transport

to take people, goods, etc. from one place to another using a vehicle, ship, or aircraft

chuyên chở

chuyên chở

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[Động từ]
to embark

to board a plane or ship

tham gia

tham gia

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to disembark

to take off the cargo or passengers of a plane, train, or ship once it has reached its destination

bốc hàng hóa

bốc hàng hóa

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[Động từ]

on or into a vehicle such as a bus, train, plane, etc.

ở nước ngoài

ở nước ngoài

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[Trạng từ]
road trip

a trip taken by car, typically for leisure or vacation purposes, where the primary mode of transportation is driving on roads and highways

chuyến đi đường bộ

chuyến đi đường bộ

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[Danh từ]
round trip

a journey to a destination and back to the point of departure

đi khứ hồi

đi khứ hồi

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