
Danh Sách Từ Vựng Trình Độ C1 - Giải phẫu con người

Tại đây các bạn sẽ học một số từ tiếng Anh về giải phẫu cơ thể người như “quang học”, “giải phẫu”, “học sinh”, v.v… chuẩn bị cho người học C1.


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Bắt đầu học
CEFR C1 Vocabulary

the branch of science that is concerned with the physical structure of humans, animals, or plants

cơ thể học

cơ thể học

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relating to sight or vision

thị giác

thị giác

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involving or related to the mouth



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(anatomy) the clear elastic part of the eye that concentrates light in order for things to be seen clearly

thấu kính (giải phẫu)

thấu kính (giải phẫu)

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(anatomy) the small round black area in the center of the eye, through which light enters

vị thành niên

vị thành niên

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the bone that is just below the eye

xương gò má

xương gò má

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roof of the mouth

the hard inside surface at the top of the mouth

vòm miệng

vòm miệng

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[Cụm từ]

either of the bones that form the jaw, particularly the lower jaw

xương hàm

xương hàm

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baby tooth

any of the temporary teeth in young children that falls out and is later replaced with a permanent one

răng sữa

răng sữa

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an arm or a leg of a person or any four-legged animal, or a wing of any bird

chân tay

chân tay

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the area at the end of a finger

biết rỏ

biết rỏ

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the hand with the fingers tightly bent toward the palm

nắm tay

nắm tay

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an organ in the body that produces certain chemical substances to be used in the body or to be discharged into the surroundings

hạch ở cổ

hạch ở cổ

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the liquid produced in the mouth to make chewing and swallowing easier and to prepare food for digestion

nước dãi

nước dãi

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a thick slimy substance produced by mucous membranes, inside the nose or the mouth, to lubricate and protect them

niêm dịch

niêm dịch

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a body hormone produced in case of anger, fear, or excitement that makes the heart beat faster and the body react quicker

thận tuyến tố

thận tuyến tố

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a substance that all living organisms produce that brings about a chemical reaction without being altered itself

chất en zym

chất en zym

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the soft parts of the human body

Cơ thể con người

Cơ thể con người

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the upper part of the human body, excluding the arms and the head

thân mình

thân mình

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the lower part of digestive tract responsible for food absorption

can đảm

can đảm

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the round dark area on a person's chest, which from female ones babies can drink milk

chỏm tròn trên núi

chỏm tròn trên núi

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the elevated or empty part in the middle of the stomach, made by cutting the umbilical cord just after birth

khoảng giữa

khoảng giữa

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either of the two bones, on each side of the body, forming a large portion of the pelvis

xương hông

xương hông

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the upper part of the legs that form a flat surface when one is seated

chổ lồi lõm

chổ lồi lõm

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the place where the legs join the front part of the body, including the region of the sex organs

cạnh sắc

cạnh sắc

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the external sex organs of the body

bộ phận sinh dục

bộ phận sinh dục

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either of the two organs in women or female animals that produce eggs for reproduction

noãn sào

noãn sào

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the part of the body of a woman or female mammal where the baby develops before birth

bóng tối đầy đặc

bóng tối đầy đặc

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white blood cell

one of the many cells that protects the body against diseases

bạch cầu

bạch cầu

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red blood cell

one of the many cells of red color carrying oxygen in the body

hồng cầu

hồng cầu

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any strand of muscle or nervous tissues

mô cơ hoặc mô thần kinh

mô cơ hoặc mô thần kinh

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to inhale

to breath air or smoke in through the mouth or nose

[Động từ]
to exhale

to breath air or smoke out through the mouth or nose

[Động từ]
to secrete

(of a cell, gland, or organ) to produce and release a liquid substance in the body

giải phóng một chất giống như chất lỏng

giải phóng một chất giống như chất lỏng

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[Động từ]
blood clot

a thickened or dried mass of blood that if formed in a blood vessel may impede blood circulation

cục máu đông

cục máu đông

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a gland in the male body that produces fluid for semen and surrounds the urethra, aiding in urine control

hạch ở cửa bàng quang

hạch ở cửa bàng quang

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a vital organ in the body that cleans the blood of harmful substances



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