
Verbs of Movement - Verbs for Change in Speed of Movement

Here you will learn some English verbs referring to change in speed of movements such as "brake", "accelerate", and "slacken".









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Categorized English Verbs of Movement
to speed up

to become faster

to accelerate

to make a vehicle, machine or object move more quickly

to rev up

to increase the speed of an engine

to brake

to slow down or stop a moving car, etc. by using the brakes

to decelerate

to slow down or reduce the speed of something

to slacken

to reduce in speed

to slow down

to make something go at a slower speed or pace

to stop

to not move anymore

to halt

to make someone or something stop

to park

to move a car, bus, etc. into an empty place and leave it there for a short time

to pull up

(of a vehicle) to come to a stop

to pull in

to direct a vehicle to move to the side of the road or to another location where it can stop

to pull over

to bring a vehicle to a stop at the side of the road, usually in response to a request or instruction, such as from the police

to draw up

to stop a vehicle, often in a particular location

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