
Verbs of Movement - Verbs for Changes in Body Posture

Here you will learn some English verbs referring to changes in body posture such as "stand", "bow", and "lean".









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Categorized English Verbs of Movement
to stand

to rise up onto one's feet, typically from a seated or lying position, and support oneself in an upright position

to stand up

to rise to a standing position from a seated or lying position

to get up

to get on our feet and stand up

to bow

to bend the head or move the upper half of the body forward to show respect or as a way of greeting

to squat

to go to a position in which the knees are bent and the back of thighs are touching or very close to one's heels

to scooch

to crouch or squat down slightly

to hunker

to squat down low, or sit on one's haunches in a relaxed or stable position

to crouch

to sit on one's calves and move the chest close to one's knees

to kneel

to support the weight of the body on a knee or both knees

to stoop

to bend the upper side of one's body forward

to duck

to lower the head or body quickly as a gesture of avoidance or to avoid being hit

to lean

to bend from a straight position typically to rest the body against something for support

to hunch

to bend the upper side of the body forward and make a rounded back

to slump

to sit, lean or fall heavily or suddenly, typically due to exhaustion, weakness, or lack of energy.

to sit

to put our bottom on something like a chair or the ground while keeping our back straight

to flop

to fall or collapse suddenly and heavily, either intentionally or unintentionally

to flump

to fall or sit down heavily, often with a soft or muffled sound

to straddle

to sit or stand with one leg on either side of an object

to bestride

to sit or stand with one leg on either side of

to curl up

to position one's body like a ball with one's arms and legs placed close to one's body while sitting

to double up

to bend over typically as a reaction to laughter or pain

to lie

(of a person or animal) to be in a resting position on a flat surface, not standing or sitting

to recline

to bend the upper body backwards

to sprawl

to sit, lie, or fall with the limbs spread out in a relaxed manner

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