
Topic-Related Verbs - Verbs Related to Agriculture and Farming

Here you will learn some English verbs referring to agriculture and farming such as "plant", "compost", and "harvest".









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Categorized English Topic-related Verbs
to plant

to put a seed, plant, etc. in the ground to grow

to sow

to plant seeds in the earth or scatter them over the ground

to seed

to spread small plant parts over soil to start their growth

to plow

to use a large farming equipment to dig the ground and make it ready for farming

to till

to prepare the soil for planting by digging, stirring, or turning it over using a tool such as a plow or a tiller

to compost

to make decayed leaves, plants, or other organic waste into a mixture that can improve the soil's quality to help plants grow more quickly

to mulch

to cover the soil around plants with a layer of material like wood chips or leaves to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature

to sprout

(of a seed or plant) to begin growing

to cultivate

to prepare land for raising crops or growing plants

to harvest

to cut and collect a crop

to weed

to rid a garden or other area of land of unwanted plants

to garden

to cultivate and nurture plants in an outdoor space, either as a job or hobby

to reap

to cut or gather a crop

to prune

to cut off top part or some branches of trees, bushes, or other plants to help them grow faster

to yield

(of a farm or an industry) to grow or produce a crop or product

to root

to plant by burying the base of a plant in soil

to water

to pour water on the ground to make plants grow in it

to irrigate

to supply crops, land, etc. with water, typically by artificial means

to farm

to grow crops or raise animals using agricultural techniques to improve production

to fertilize

to increase productivity of the soil by spreading suitable substances on it

to mate

(of animals) to have sex for breeding or reproduction

to breed

(of an animal) to have sex and give birth to young

to fish

to catch or attempt to catch fish with special equipment such as a fishing line and a hook or net

to hatch

(of birds, fish, etc.) to come out of an egg

to milk

to collect milk from animals such as cows, goats, etc.

to spawn

(of a fish, frog, etc.) to lay or release eggs

to domesticate

to change wild animals or plants for human use or cultivation

to tame

to make a wild animal or bird fit for living with people

to bud

(of a plant) to develop small, immature growths that will eventually become leaves, flowers, or shoots

to blossom

(of a plant) to bear flowers, especially flowers that are not fully open

to flower

(of a plant) to produce or display blossoms or blooms

to bloom

(of a plant) to produce flowers and display them in full color

to pollinate

to deposit pollen on a plant or flower so that it can produce new seeds or fruit

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