
Agreement and Disagreement - Unity and Harmony

Here you will learn some English words related to unity and harmony such as "positive", "quite", and "ratify".









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Words Related to Agreement and Disagreement

a formal agreement between parties, particularly to help one another


one of the sides in a legal agreement or dispute

to patch up

to put an end to an argument with someone in order to make peace with them

peace offering

an offering made to become friends with someone after upsetting them

point taken

used to show that one has accepted that someone else's argument or opinion is valid


displaying approval, support, or agreement


in a way that shows a good or optimistic attitude, expressing approval, joy, or support

to pour oil on troubled waters

to say things in order to settle a dispute or disagreement


used to express complete agreement

prenuptial agreement

an agreement between a couple before marriage in which they agree how much of each other's property each will receive upon divorce or death


the original form of an agreement, particularly a treaty between states, etc.; an addition to a treaty or agreement


a condition that needs accepting before making an agreement

to put aside

to forget a feeling, disagreement, or dispute


used to express agreement


the act of validating an agreement by signing it or voting for it

to ratify

to formally approve a decision, action, etc., typically through an official process or legal means

to realign

to change one's opinions, beliefs, etc. to be like those of another person or group


the action of changing one's opinions, beliefs, etc. to be like those of another person or group


(of disagreements or differences) able to be settled

to reconcile

to make a person become friendly again with another after ending a disagreement or dispute


the act of becoming friendly with someone once more after ending a disagreement


the act of resolving a problem or disagreement

to resolve

(of a meeting, committee, etc.) to come to a decision through a formal vote


used to show one's agreement

right on

used to show one's strong support or approval

to seal

to finalize a contract, deal, or agreement

to settle

to bring a dispute or disagreement to an end


an official agreement that puts an end to a dispute

to shake on

to shake hands as an act of agreement

shoulder to shoulder

together working toward a shared aim

to side with

to support a person or group against someone else in a fight or argument

to sign

to write one's name or mark on a document to indicate acceptance, approval, or endorsement of its contents


a person, organization, or country that has signed a formal agreement

to sign on

to sign a contract agreeing to work for someone

to sign up

to sign a contract agreeing to do a job

to sink one's differences

to put aside disagreements


fully in agreement; approved of by all


the support given by the members of a group to each other because of sharing the same opinions, feelings, goals, etc.

sounds like a plan

used to show agreement with a suggestion

to stand up and be counted

to publicly express one's agreement or support for someone or something

to strike a bargain

to make an agreement that involves both parties doing something for one another


the state or act of accepting defeat and not having a choice but to obey the person in the position of power

to subscribe to

to support or agree with an idea, opinion, etc.


used as a positive response to something


displaying support or approval


in a manner that displays support or understanding

to sympathize

to support and approve of something or someone

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