اليقين والإمكانية - حالات غير محتملة
إتقان المصطلحات الإنجليزية المتعلقة بالمواقف غير المتوقعة، مثل "رمي خارج القمر" و"أمر رائع جدًا لدرجة يصعب تصديقها".
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
to be a condition or requirement that is uncertain or potentially challenging to fulfill
a story that seems impossible, particularly one that is used as an excuse

قصة غير معقولة, حكاية خرافية

used to express anger and the fact that someone does not care about someone or something
used to say that one does not think that something will ever happen or has any chance of being true
used to refer to something that exceeds one's expectations in such ways that makes it hard to believe
an attempt made without having any high hopes of achieving success

محاولة غير متوقعة, رمي بعيدا

used to refer to something that is extremely desirable yet nearly impossible to obtain
a promise of something good or desirable that will never be fulfilled

وعد كاذب, أمل زائف

to aim for goals that are unrealistic or extremely difficult to achieve