
كتاب Total English - فوق المتوسط - الوحدة 8-المرجع

ستجد هنا المفردات من الوحدة 8 - المرجع في كتاب اللغة الإنجليزية للمستوى فوق المتوسط، مثل "المنجز"، و"صاحب الرأي"، و"الإدارة"، وما إلى ذلك.




بطاقات الفلاش




اختبار قصير

ابدأ التعلم
Total English - Upper-intermediate
to succeed

to reach or achieve what one desired or tried for

ينجح في, يحقق

ينجح في, يحقق

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to manage

to do something successfully, particularly something difficult

يدير, يتمكن من

يدير, يتمكن من

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to boast

to talk with excessive pride about one's achievements, abilities, etc. in order to draw the attention of others

افتخر, يتفاخر

افتخر, يتفاخر

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to have a go

to make an attempt to achieve or do something

to give up

to stop trying when faced with failures or difficulties

استسلم, تنازل

استسلم, تنازل

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feeling satisfied with someone or one's possessions, achievements, etc.

فخور, مفتخر

فخور, مفتخر

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someone who reaches a high level of success, particularly in their occupation

ناجح, محقق للإنجازات

ناجح, محقق للإنجازات

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something that has been successfully done, particularly through hard work

إنجاز, تحقيق

إنجاز, تحقيق

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controlling a situation by actively taking steps to manage it, rather than being passive or reactive

استباقي, نشيط

استباقي, نشيط

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determined to do things in one's own way and often resistant to the opinions or suggestions of others

عنيد, متمسك برأيه

عنيد, متمسك برأيه

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having strong opinions and not willing to change them

مُتعصّب رأيًا, ثابت

مُتعصّب رأيًا, ثابت

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influencing or controlling others in an unfair or deceptive way, often to achieve one's own goals

تلاعب, مناور

تلاعب, مناور

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always putting one's interests first and not caring about the needs or rights of others

أناني, متمركز حول الذات

أناني, متمركز حول الذات

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focusing on one particular goal or purpose, and determined to achieve it

مُصمِم, مركز

مُصمِم, مركز

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having a straightforward and honest attitude

منفتح, صريح

منفتح, صريح

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calm and not easily worried or upset

هادئ, مرتاح

هادئ, مرتاح

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quick and clever with their words, often expressing humor or cleverness in a sharp and amusing way

ذكي, ساخر

ذكي, ساخر

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enjoying other people's company and social interactions

اجتماعي, مُحب للاختلاط

اجتماعي, مُحب للاختلاط

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preferring solitude over socializing

الانطوائي, الانطوائية

الانطوائي, الانطوائية

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behaving in an angry way and having a tendency to be violent

عدواني, عدوانية

عدواني, عدوانية

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having a lot of value

مهم, ذو أهمية

مهم, ذو أهمية

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absolutely necessary and of great importance

حيوي, ضروري

حيوي, ضروري

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above average in size or extent

كبير, ضخم

كبير, ضخم

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very large in size

ضخم, عملاق

ضخم, عملاق

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emotionally feeling good

سعيد, مسرور

سعيد, مسرور

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extremely excited and happy

مبتهج للغاية, مخضرم

مبتهج للغاية, مخضرم

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feeling unhappy, worried, or disappointed, often because something unpleasant happened

مُحْبَط, مُنزعج

مُحْبَط, مُنزعج

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experiencing great shock or sadness

مدمرة, مأساوية

مدمرة, مأساوية

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needing or wanting something to eat

جائع, جائعة

جائع, جائعة

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desperately needing or wanting food

جائع, محتاج للطعام بشدة

جائع, محتاج للطعام بشدة

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needing to sleep or rest because of not having any more energy

تعبان, مرهق

تعبان, مرهق

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feeling extremely tired physically or mentally, often due to a lack of sleep

مرهق, تعبان

مرهق, تعبان

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to a great extent or degree

جداً, حقاً

جداً, حقاً

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used to put emphasis on a statement

حقاً, بالفعل

حقاً, بالفعل

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to a very great amount or degree

بشكلٍ كبير, إلى حدٍ بعيد

بشكلٍ كبير, إلى حدٍ بعيد

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used to put an emphasis on a statement

تماماً, بكل تأكيد

تماماً, بكل تأكيد

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to the greatest amount or extent possible

تماما, بشكل كامل

تماما, بشكل كامل

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to catch up

to reach the same level or status as someone or something else, especially after falling behind

يلاحق, يتقدم مع

يلاحق, يتقدم مع

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to get away with

to escape punishment for one's wrong actions

الافلات من العقاب, النجاة من العقاب

الافلات من العقاب, النجاة من العقاب

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to keep up

to move or progress at the same rate as someone or something else

مواكبة, اللحاق بـ

مواكبة, اللحاق بـ

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to put in

to submit a formal application or request for something

تقديم, إرسال

تقديم, إرسال

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to come up with

to create something, usually an idea, a solution, or a plan, through one's own efforts or thinking

ابتكار, تطوير

ابتكار, تطوير

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to cut down

to reduce the amount, size, or number of something

خفض, تخفيض

خفض, تخفيض

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to look up to

to have a great deal of respect, admiration, or esteem for someone

يحترم, يُعجب

يحترم, يُعجب

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to look forward to

to wait with satisfaction for something to happen

يتطلع إلى, يترقب

يتطلع إلى, يترقب

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to put up with

to tolerate something or someone unpleasant, often without complaining

يتحمل, يتسامح مع

يتحمل, يتسامح مع

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to make up for

to do something in order to replace something lost or fix something damaged

يُعَوّض, يُصْلِح

يُعَوّض, يُصْلِح

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