
العلوم الإنسانية ACT - السلوك غير الأخلاقي

هنا سوف تتعلم بعض الكلمات الإنجليزية المتعلقة بالسلوك غير الأخلاقي، مثل "سيء السمعة"، "شنيع"، "خيانة"، وما إلى ذلك، والتي ستساعدك على إتقان أفعالك.




بطاقات الفلاش




اختبار قصير

ابدأ التعلم
ACT Vocabulary for Humanities

an action, behavior, or entity that is extremely wicked, evil, or morally reprehensible

وحشية, فعل شنيع

وحشية, فعل شنيع

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an unreasonable opinion or judgment based on dislike felt for a person, group, etc., particularly because of their race, sex, etc.

تحيز, إحساس مسبق

تحيز, إحساس مسبق

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the state of being reluctant to accept ideas, thoughts, or behaviors that differ from one's own

عدم التسامح

عدم التسامح

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a mark that represents shame or infamy

وصمة, وصمة عار

وصمة, وصمة عار

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the act of taking excessive pride in one's own achievements or abilities

غرور, نرجسية

غرور, نرجسية

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a secret plan, particularly one that is made to deceive other people

مؤامرة, خطة

مؤامرة, خطة

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the act of betraying someone or something's trust or loyalty

خيانة, غدر

خيانة, غدر

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the deliberate killing of a famous or important person, often for political or ideological reasons

اغتيال, قتل سياسي

اغتيال, قتل سياسي

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the process of abandoning moral principles and behaving immorally



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the state of having a widespread negative reputation due to a bad or disapproving behavior or characteristic

شهرة سلبية, سمعة سيئة

شهرة سلبية, سمعة سيئة

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a person who is cruel, violent, or lacking in human sensibility

همج, وحش

همج, وحش

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the act of showing disloyalty to someone's trust

خيانة, غدر

خيانة, غدر

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secret agreement particularly made to deceive people

تواطؤ, اتفاق سري

تواطؤ, اتفاق سري

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the quality of being dishonest and misleading

خداع, خيانة

خداع, خيانة

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a cunning or deceptive strategy or action intended to deceive or trick someone

خداع, مكيدة

خداع, مكيدة

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the state of being made to feel ashamed or losing respect and dignity, often in front of others

إهانة, ذل

إهانة, ذل

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a behavior or treatment that is unjust and unfair

ظلم, عدم عدالة

ظلم, عدم عدالة

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separation from accepted norms, standards, or expected patterns of conduct

انحراف, تجاوز

انحراف, تجاوز

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a deliberate action or treatment that causes physical or mental pain or suffering in others

قسوة, وحشية

قسوة, وحشية

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the extreme brutality of an action or behavior

فعل همجي, بشاعة

فعل همجي, بشاعة

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a violent act marked by extreme cruelty and aggression

الوحشية, الظلم

الوحشية, الظلم

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intentionally created or done in a misleading way

خادع, مضلل

خادع, مضلل

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causing someone to have a wrong idea or impression, usually by giving incomplete or false information

ماكر, خداعي

ماكر, خداعي

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dishonest or deceitful, often involving illegal or unethical actions intended to deceive others

احتيالي, خداعي

احتيالي, خداعي

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acting in a way that is different from what one claims to believe or value

منافق, نفاق

منافق, نفاق

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having no moral principles and willing to do anything to achieve one's goals

عديم الضمير, غير أخلاقي

عديم الضمير, غير أخلاقي

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extremely evil or shockingly wicked in a way that deeply disturbs or offends

شنيع, مستنكر

شنيع, مستنكر

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showing a lack of interest or respect by ignoring or minimizing someone or something's importance

محتقر, مهمل

محتقر, مهمل

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having an unfair or harsh control over others, often involving cruelty or severe restrictions

قاسي, ظالم

قاسي, ظالم

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intending to cause harm, injury, or distress to others

خبيث, شَرير

خبيث, شَرير

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unfair and lacking a valid reason

غير مبرر, غير عادل

غير مبرر, غير عادل

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wickedly cruel and inhuman

شيطاني, قاسي

شيطاني, قاسي

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making insincere and deceiving statements with ease

مخادع, بليغ

مخادع, بليغ

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having an indecent quality or being socially unacceptable in expression

بذئ, فاحش

بذئ, فاحش

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relating to a disgraceful and corrupted action

قذر, مثيرة للاشمئزاز

قذر, مثيرة للاشمئزاز

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well-known for a bad quality or deed

شهير بإجرامه, سيء السمعة

شهير بإجرامه, سيء السمعة

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involving behaviors, actions, or decisions that are morally wrong

غير أخلاقي, لا أخلاقي

غير أخلاقي, لا أخلاقي

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extremely unusual or unconventional in a way that is shocking

فاضح, صادم

فاضح, صادم

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causing a lot of strong public disagreement or discussion

مثير للجدل, مثير للجدل

مثير للجدل, مثير للجدل

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causing disagreement or controversy among people

مثير للجدل, خلافّي

مثير للجدل, خلافّي

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involving a lof of blood and violence

دموي, وحشي

دموي, وحشي

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to trick

to deceive a person so that they do what one wants

خدع, خطط

خدع, خطط

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to purport

to claim or suggest something, often falsely or without proof

يدعي, يزعم

يدعي, يزعم

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to betray

to be disloyal to a person, a group of people, or one's country by giving information about them to their enemy

خيانة, غدر

خيانة, غدر

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to double-cross

to betray a person that one is in cooperation with, often when they want to do something illegal together

خيانة, غدر

خيانة, غدر

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to slaughter

to kill a large number of people, often in a harsh and heartless manner

ذبح, قتل

ذبح, قتل

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to despoil

to take valuables by force, often resulting in destruction or damage

نهب, سلب

نهب, سلب

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to violate

to not respect someone's rights, privacy, or peace

انتهك, خرق

انتهك, خرق

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to counterfeit

to make a false copy of something with the intent to deceive

تزوير, تزييف

تزوير, تزييف

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to plagiarize

to take and use the work, words or ideas of someone else without referencing them

انتحال, نسخ

انتحال, نسخ

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to manipulate

to control or influence someone cleverly for personal gain or advantage

ي Manipulate, يمارس السيطرة على

ي Manipulate, يمارس السيطرة على

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in a way that is widely known or recognized typically for negative reasons

بشكل مشهور, بشكل معروف

بشكل مشهور, بشكل معروف

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