Slovní Zásoba pro IELTS (Akademická) - Equality
Zde se dozvíte několik anglických slovíček o rovnosti, jako je „atypický“, „rozdělení“, „neutrální“ atd., která jsou potřebná ke zkoušce IELTS.
something that serves as a point of reference by which other things can be measured or judged
![standard, měřítko](
standard, měřítko
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the act of looking after children, especially while their parents are working
![péče o děti, hlídání dětí](
péče o děti, hlídání dětí
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the difference between the needed amount that is higher than the available amount, especially money
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the act or process of putting an end to the separation of people based on religion, race or gender in a society or institution
![desegregace, uvolnění segregace](
desegregace, uvolnění segregace
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the act of giving a person or an organization the right, authority or power in order to do something
![zmocnění, empowerment](
zmocnění, empowerment
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the state of having the same opportunities, rights, status, etc. as others
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(of people) provided with the same opportunities, rights, or status, regardless of their characteristics or background
![rovný, stejní](
rovný, stejní
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a crime that is intentionally directed toward a person or thing to hurt, intimidate, or kill them
![násilí, agrese](
násilí, agrese
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the condition of lacking enough money or income to afford basic needs like food, clothing, etc.
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the act of giving a share of something to a group of people in an organized way
![distribuce, rozdělení](
distribuce, rozdělení
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a difference, particularly an unwanted one, causing separation between two people, situations, or opinions
![mezera, odstup](
mezera, odstup
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one of a series of rights that every human being must have
![lidské právo, právo člověka](
lidské právo, právo člověka
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an obstacle that separates people or hinders any progress or communication
![bariera, překážka](
bariera, překážka
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the act or condition of setting a person or object apart from a group
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the opinions, activities, or methods that are considered normal because they are accepted by a majority of people
![mainstream, hlavní proud](
mainstream, hlavní proud
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the practice of treating a person or different categories of people less fairly than others
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(economics) an amount or share that each individual is entitled to receive
![kvóta, podíl](
kvóta, podíl
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the act of accepting that something exists, is true or legal
![uznání, přijetí](
uznání, přijetí
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unwelcome and threatening sexual advances, requests or favors, of verbal or physical nature, usually directed toward a subordinate in a workplace
![sexuální obtěžování](
sexuální obtěžování
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