Slovní Zásoba pro IELTS (Akademická) - Marketing
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slovíčka o marketingu, jako je „consumer“, „launch“, „catalog“ atd., která jsou potřebná ke zkoušce IELTS.
someone who buys and uses services or goods
spotřebitel, spotřebitelka
the process of either bringing a new product from concept to market release or renewing an existing product
vývoj produktu, rozvoj produktu
(of signals or data) representing and processing data as series of the digits 0 and 1 in electronic signals
digitální, číselný
the process of supplying shops and other businesses with products to be sold
distribuce, rozdělení
the person who buys a product for personal use
koncový uživatel, zákazník
the conception of a person, organization, product, etc. that is presented to the public
obraz, imagine
the name or trademark of a company that produces music records
label, nahrávací společnost
the act of gathering information about what people need or buy the most and why
průzkum trhu, tržní výzkum
connected to other computer networks through the Internet
online, připojený online
the process of putting a product in a container or covering in order to be sold
balení, obalování
the process of presenting a favorable public image of a person, firm, or institution
veřejné vztahy
a person or an organization that pays the expenses of a TV, radio or online program as a means of advertisement
sponzor, donátor
a name or design that exclusively belongs to a particular company or its products
ochranná známka, značka
a person who wants to buy something, usually an expensive item
kupující, nabyvatel
a person or company that sells something
prodejce, prodejkyně
a pamphlet that lists all the items that people can buy
katalog, brožura
a label on an item that shows how much it costs
cena, cenovka
a way through which a company delivers its products to the customers
distribuční kanál, distribuční síť
a paid announcement that draws public attention to a product or service
reklama, inzerce
the activity of drawing public attention to a service or product in order to help it sell more
propagace, akce
business exchanges that are done online
elektronický obchod, e-commerce
the range of products or services that a particular firm or organization offers to its customers
portfolio, sortiment
all the efforts by which products and services are promoted and sold using the internet and online methods
digitální marketing, internetový marketing
the general perception that the public have of a product, person, organization, etc. that may not be accurate
veřejný obraz, veřejná percepce
the inclusion of a company's product in a movie or TV program as a form of paid promotion
umístění produktu, produktová umístění