
Výsledek a Dopad - Reverzní efekt

Ponořte se do anglických přísloví, která zobrazují obrácené efekty, jako „příliš mnoho kuchařů kazí vývar“ a „kdo druhým jámu kopá, sám do sebe padá“.







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Outcome & Impact
a green winter makes a fat churchyard

used to imply that easy or comfortable times can have unforeseen negative consequences

zelená zima dělá tlustý hřbitov

zelená zima dělá tlustý hřbitov

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best is the enemy of (the) good

used to advise against striving for perfection or the best possible outcome, as it can be a hindrance to achieving a good result and may cause unnecessary stress or effort

harm watch, harm catch

used to suggest that those who intentionally seek to harm others are likely to attract harm to themselves as well

škod hlídat, škod chytit

škod hlídat, škod chytit

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never spur a willing horse

used to advise against pushing someone who is already motivated to work harder, as it may have the opposite effect and cause them to become less willing or do less

nikdy nepobídni ochotného koně

nikdy nepobídni ochotného koně

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parents who are afraid to put their foot down usually have children who step on their toes

used to imply that parents who are too permissive or fail to establish boundaries are likely to have children who do not respect their authority and may take advantage of them

rodiče, kteří se bojí dát nohu na zem, mívají děti, které jim šlapou na prsty

rodiče, kteří se bojí dát nohu na zem, mívají děti, které jim šlapou na prsty

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the pitcher goes so often to the well that it is broken at last

used to imply that repeated or excessive reliance on a particular action or strategy can eventually lead to its failure or deterioration

džbán chodí tak často ke studni, že se konečně rozbije

džbán chodí tak často ke studni, že se konečně rozbije

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pouring oil on the fire is not the way to quench it

used to imply that adding to a problem or conflict will only make it worse, and that it is important to take actions that will help calm and resolve the situation instead of intensifying it

přilévat olej do ohně není způsob, jak ho uhasit

přilévat olej do ohně není způsob, jak ho uhasit

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too many cooks spoil the broth

used to imply that if too many people are involved in a task or project, it can become disorganized or ineffective

příliš mnoho kuchařů kazí vývar

příliš mnoho kuchařů kazí vývar

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too much of anything is good for nothing

used to imply that an excess of something, even if it is initially beneficial, will eventually become harmful or useless

příliš mnoho čehokoli je k ničemu dobré

příliš mnoho čehokoli je k ničemu dobré

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two boys are half a boy, and three boys are no boy at all

used to imply that having too many people involved in a task can lead to confusion, inefficiency, and a lack of coordination, ultimately resulting in a decrease in productivity

dva chlapci jsou poloviční chlapec a tři chlapci nejsou vůbec žádný chlapec

dva chlapci jsou poloviční chlapec a tři chlapci nejsou vůbec žádný chlapec

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the cure is worse than the disease (itself)

used to warn that a proposed solution to a problem may have more negative consequences than the problem itself, emphasizing the importance of careful consideration and evaluation

he who digs a pit for others, falls in himself

used to warn that that those who seek to harm others may ultimately suffer the same fate

too many chiefs, (and) not enough Indians

used to warn that having too many leaders and not enough people to execute tasks can lead to confusion, inefficiency, and a lack of progress

příliš mnoho náčelníků a málo indiánů

příliš mnoho náčelníků a málo indiánů

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