Přídavná Jména Fyzických Lidských Vlastností - Přídavná jména tvaru těla
Tato přídavná jména poskytují informace o celkových obrysech, proporcích nebo strukturálních atributech postavy člověka.
(of a person) having a height that is greater than what is thought to be the average height
vysoký, vzdušný
(of a person) having a height that is less than what is thought to be the average height
malý, nízký
healthy and strong, especially due to regular physical exercise or balanced diet
fit, v kondici
having a slender shape, often used to describe someone who is thin and wiry
hubený, vytáhlý
(of a person or animal) thin and fit in a way that looks healthy, often with well-defined muscles and minimal body fat
štíhlý, hubený
(of a person) tall and thin in a way that is not graceful
vysoký a hubený, vysoký a neobratný
having a waist that is slender or narrow
úzký v pase, štíhlý v pase
having long, slender legs in proportion to their body
dlouhonohý, štíhlý
(especially of a woman) beautiful, with a tall elegant figure
statuářská, výrazná
(of a person) having a pleasantly rounded and slightly full-bodied appearance
buclatý, pekný
having a body that is chubby with soft-looking flesh
masitý, boubelatý
(particularly of a child or young adult) slightly overweight in a way that is considered cute or charming rather than unhealthy or unattractive
boubelatý, opeřený
(of a woman's body) attractive because of having curves
křivý, plnoštíhlý
(of women or their body part) having a full or generously proportioned figure
štědrý, hojný
having a short, plump, and unattractive figure
obézní, mohutný
short and broad in stature, often with a thick and sturdy build
zavalitý, silný
(of a woman) having large breasts, wide hips and a narrow waist
křivolaká, zakřivená
(of a woman's body) curvy and attractive with full breasts and wide hips
svůdný, vášnivý
(of a person) having a wider lower waist and narrower upper waist, resembling the shape of a pear
hruškovitý, ve tvaru hrušky
having wide and well-defined shoulders
širokopedý, s širokými rameny
(especially of a man) round or a little overweight
pobruklý, silnější
(especially of a man) having a short but quite solid figure with thick muscles
zavalitý, pořádně vzrostlý
pleasantly small and attractive, often implying a sense of elegance
jemný, elegantní
(typically of a woman) having a curvy and well-proportioned body shape
plnoštíhlá, s křivkami