Zájmena a Determinanty - Ukazovací zájmena a determinanty
Ukázky specifikují vzdálenost a číslo osoby nebo předmětu, ke kterému se vztahují.
used when referring to a person or thing that was recently mentioned or one that is close in space or time

to, tohle

used when referring to a person or thing that was previously mentioned or one that is not close in space or time

to, ten (pronoun)

used to indicate items or people that are nearby or in close proximity to the speaker

tito, tyto

used to point out or refer to specific people, things, or ideas that are at a distance from both the speaker and the listener

ti, oni

used to refer back to someone or something previously mentioned, implied, or exemplified to emphasize its quality, nature, or outcome

takový, takový typ

used to refer to objects or people that are close to the speaker and the listener

tyto, tyto květiny