
Frázová Slovesa Používající 'Up' - Becoming









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Phrasal Verbs With 'Up'
to boil up

(of a situation or feeling) to start to get out of control and reach a more dangerous state

eskalovat, vymknout se kontrole

eskalovat, vymknout se kontrole

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to dry up

to become empty of water or other liquids, often through evaporation

vyschnout, vysušit se

vyschnout, vysušit se

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to fog up

(of glass, mirrors, lenses, and other such surfaces) to become covered by fog

zamlžit se, orosiť se

zamlžit se, orosiť se

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to freeze up

to become solid or immobile due to cold temperatures, often leading to a lack of functionality

ztuhnout, zamrznout

ztuhnout, zamrznout

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to grow up

to change from being a child into an adult little by little

vyrůst, dospět

vyrůst, dospět

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to heat up

to make something warm or hot

ohřát, zahřát

ohřát, zahřát

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to sober up

to stop being under the influence of alcohol

střízlivět, přestat být pod vlivem alkoholu

střízlivět, přestat být pod vlivem alkoholu

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to steam up

to cause a surface particularly a glass one to become foggy

zednívat, mlžit

zednívat, mlžit

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to mist up

(of a piece of glass or mirror) to have a thin layer of water droplets forms on its surface, often due to a difference in temperature or humidity

zamlžovat se, mlžit

zamlžovat se, mlžit

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to ice up

to get coated with ice, often due to freezing temperatures

pokryti ledem, zmrznout

pokryti ledem, zmrznout

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