Durchhaltevermögen - Beharrlichkeit
Entdecken Sie englische Redewendungen zum Thema Beharrlichkeit anhand von Beispielen wie „Come Rain or Come Shine“ und „Mean Business“.
up to the point where something faces its inevitable failure or fails to achieve any degree of success
bis zum Ende
to begin doing or taking part in something with enthusiasm and determination
etwas mit Entschlossenheit beginnen
to keep on trying despite the high chance of failure
trotz der Hindernisse nicht aufgeben
to face one's challenges or problems with absolute courage and determination
extrem entschlossen sein, etwas zu tun
to manage to stay strong and determined, despite the likelihood of failure
Trotz des Scheiterns entschlossen bleiben
to manage to keep one's spirit and stay hopeful in the face of challenges and hardships
hoffnungsvoll und optimistisch bleiben
to survive a tough situation or disastrous experience and get the chance to try again
Nach einem Fehlschlag einen weiteren Versuch unternehmen
to persist on achieving a particular result by taking risks, particularly when one should stop
das Limit überschreiten
to try one's best to stay strong and determined in the face of danger or extremely low odds of success
Streben nach Erfolg
to keep defending one's plans or opinions despite facing opposition
für den eigenen Glauben kämpfen
by any means that is necessary
mit jeder erforderlichen Methode
no matter how many obstacles one might face or how hard achieving something gets
trotz der Schwierigkeiten
no matter what happens or how difficult thigs turn out to be
egal was passiert
no matter how many problems one might face or how hard achieving something gets
trotz der Probleme
a thing that is only chosen when every other option or alternative has failed
letzte verfügbare Option
one's bravery and determination to do what they believe is the right thing, regardless of what other people may think
Mut, das Richtige zu tun
firmly determined and focused on the task at hand
entschlossen und konzentriert auf das eigene Ziel
to maintain a good performance and continue persevering in one's efforts
Trotz der Herausforderungen gute Leistungen erbringen