Medizinische Wissenschaft - Pregnancy
Hier lernen Sie einige englische Wörter im Zusammenhang mit Schwangerschaft, wie zum Beispiel „Fehlgeburt“, „Kontraktion“ und „Wehen“.
(medicine) a medical procedure to remove the fetus from the uterus
to terminate an undesired pregnancy before the fetus reaches a viable age
abtreiben, unterbrechen
the placenta and associated tissues expelled from the uterus after the baby is born
Nachgeburt, Plazenta und zugehörige Gewebe
the clear, watery fluid surrounding and protecting the fetus within the amniotic sac during pregnancy
Fruchtwasser, Amnionflüssigkeit
a severe depressive disorder that is primarily experienced by women after giving birth to a child
Wochenbettdepression, postpartale Depression
to bring forth or give birth to a living being, such as a human or animal offspring
gebären, zur Welt bringen
the delivery of a baby with the buttocks or feet positioned to emerge first, rather than the head, during childbirth
Beckenendlage, Steißlage
a medical procedure to deliver a baby by cutting the belly of the mother
Kaiserschnitt, section cesarea
the process or activity of giving birth to and raising children
gebären, geburt
the periodic tightening and releasing of the uterine muscles during labor, facilitating the gradual opening of the cervix for childbirth
Wehe, Gebärmutterkontraktion
a pregnancy complication characterized by high blood pressure and seizures that can be detrimental to the health of mother and baby
a condition where a fertilized egg implants and begins to develop outside the uterus, most commonly in a fallopian tube, instead of the uterus itself
Eileiterschwangerschaft, ektopische Schwangerschaft
an offspring of a human or animal that is not born yet, particularly a human aged more than eight weeks after conception
Fötus, Embryo
associated with anything related to the developing fetus during pregnancy
fetal, Fetus-
the unexpected or spontaneous expulsion of a fetus from the uterus before it is mature enough to survive independently
Fehlgeburt, abortus
to spontaneously lose the pregnancy before reaching viability, typically within the first 20 weeks
eine Fehlgeburt haben, das Kind verlieren
a common pregnancy symptom characterized by nausea and vomiting, typically occurring during the first trimester
Schwangerschaftsübelkeit, Morgenübelkeit
the process of delivering a baby without medical interventions, emphasizing the body's natural processes
natürliche Geburt, Naturgeburt
related to the period occurring or existing before birth, specifically in relation to the development and care of the fetus during pregnancy
pränatal, vorgeburtlich
a pregnancy condition involving high blood pressure and organ damage, presenting risks to both mother and baby
Präeklampsie, Schwangerschaftshypertonie
the loss of a baby after 20 weeks of gestation, occurring before or during delivery
Totgeburt, Todgeburt
a process in which a woman carries and gives birth to a baby for another person or couple who may not be able to have children on their own
Leihmutterschaft, Ersatzmutterschaft
a woman who agrees to carry and take the responsibility of another couple's child
Leihmutter, Ersatzmutter
a newborn who is born at or near the expected due date, typically between 37 and 42 weeks of gestation
Termin-Neugeborenes, Neugeborenes bei Vollzeit
one of the three roughly three-month periods, each marking different stages of fetal development and maternal changes
Trimester, drei Monats Zeitraum
a flexible tube connecting the fetus to the placenta, facilitating the exchange of nutrients and oxygen during pregnancy
not yet having been born or brought to life, typically referring to a developing fetus during pregnancy
unborn, ungeboren
a form of contraception that involves physically blocking sperm from reaching the egg to prevent pregnancy
Barrieremethode, Barrierekontrazeption
a tool or method, like condoms or contraceptive pills, used to prevent pregnancy
Verhütungsgerät, Antikonzeptionsmittel
any device, drug, or method that is used to prevent pregnancy
Verhütungsmittel, Kontrazeptivum
(of methods, devices, or medications) capable of preventing conception or pregnancy
verhütend, empfängnisverhütend
the intentional prevention of pregnancy using various methods or devices
Verhütung, Empfängnisverhütung
a dome-shaped contraceptive device that blocks sperm from reaching the uterus
Diaphragma, domeförmiges Verhütungsgerät
a medical operation that is performed to to end an undesired pregnancy before the fetus reaches a viable age
Schwangerschaftsabbruch, Abtreibung
of or effected by cesarean section
kaiserschnitt, durch Kaiserschnitt
a surgical cut to widen the vaginal opening during childbirth
the process of contractions and cervical dilation that leads to childbirth
Geburt, Wehen
a thin barrier used during sex to prevent the exchange of bodily fluids and reduce the risk of STIs and unintended pregnancies
Kondom, Präservative
a T-shaped contraceptive device placed in the uterus to prevent pregnancy
intrauterines Gerät, IUD (intrauterines Device)
a small device that a healthcare provider inserts under the skin of the upper arm to prevent pregnancy by releasing hormones
Verhütungsimplantat, subkutanes Verhütungsgerät
a flexible ring that is inserted into the vagina and releases hormones to prevent pregnancy for a month at a time
vaginaler Ring, Verhütungsring
a method of birth control that involves the injection of hormones into the body to prevent pregnancy for a certain period of time
Verhütungsinjektion, Kontrazeptive Injektion