Wichtiger Wortschatz für den TOEFL - Die Geschäftswelt
Hier lernen Sie einige englische Wörter aus der Geschäftswelt, wie zum Beispiel „agency“, „industry“, „venture“ usw., die für die TOEFL-Prüfung benötigt werden.
one person or a group of people's abilities and strengths, looked at as valuable assets

Humankapital, Humanressourcen

the physical or virtual space where goods, services, and commodities are bought, sold, or exchanged, often involving various sellers and buyers

Marktplatz, Markt

the act of buying and selling goods and services, particularly between countries

internationaler Handel, Kommerz

a business or organization that provides services to other parties, especially by representing them in transactions

Agentur, Vermittlungsfirma

related to the purchasing and selling of different goods and services

kommerziell, Handels-

all of the activities, companies, and people that are involved in providing a service or producing goods

Industrie, Sektor

a company or group of people that are considered as a single unit by law

(in an organization, company, etc.) a department that is in charge of hiring new employees and training them

Personalabteilung, Human Resources

the place where the main offices of a large company or organization are located

a permission granted to a person or group by a government or company that enables them to sell their services or products in a specific area

Franchise, Lizenz

a business activity that is mostly very risky

risikantes Unternehmen, gefährliches Vorhaben

a building or room in which particular goods are made or fixed by different means

Werkstatt, Labor

someone who works for a company, representing the company's product

Vertreter, Repräsentant

to cover the costs of a project, TV or radio program, activity, etc., often in exchange for advertising

the joining of two companies or organizations together to form a larger one

Fusion, Zusammenschluss

the process and activities required to control and manage an organization

Verwaltung, Leitung

related to the management and organization of tasks, processes, or resources within an organization or system

verwaltend, administrativ

using or having the power to decide on important matters, plans, etc. or to implement them

the act or process of selling or advertising a product or service, usually including market research

the promotion of a particular product or company by means of advertising and distinctive design

Branding, Markenbildung

the activity of drawing public attention to a service or product in order to help it sell more

to dispose information about something, so that it publicly known

veröffentlichen, bekannt machen

to make a new product or provide a new service and introduce it to the public

einführen, starten

the process of supplying shops and other businesses with products to be sold

a person of senior rank in charge of a company's technological matters

Chief Technology Officer, Technologie-Chef

a person who starts a business, especially one who takes financial risks

a person of the highest authority over a company's financial matters

Finanzdirektor, Chief Financial Officer