Άποψη - Κάνοντας ένα σημείο
Κατακτήστε αγγλικούς ιδιωματισμούς που σχετίζονται με την τοποθέτηση ενός σημείου, όπως "beat around the bush" και "bottom line".
to speak convincingly or authoritatively about a subject, especially in a way that suggests knowledge, expertise, or confidence
used to emphasize that something cannot be true or accurate
to forcefully make a point in an argument or discussion to ensure that there are no misunderstandings
used before stating the most important fact about a particular situation
the most important factor in an argument or a discussion that brings it to an end
to avoid talking about the details of something that has happened and only give the main points
to get straight to the point or the most important part of a matter without wasting time on irrelevant details or preamble
used for saying that something has the same effect as another thing