Lista de Palabras Nivel B2 - Agricultura y Ganadería
Aquí aprenderás algunas palabras en inglés sobre agricultura, como "cornfield", "plantation", "crop", etc. preparadas para estudiantes de B2.
Tarjetas de memoria
a large piece of land used for growing sugar cane, coffee, tea, etc., particularly in a hot country

(particularly in the western parts of the US) a male rider who looks after cattle

vaquero, cowboy
the process by which soil and rock are gradually destroyed and removed by natural forces such as wind, water, and ice

a type of chemical substance that is used for killing insects or small animals that damage food or crops

products grown or made on a farm, such as fruits, vegetables, etc.

frutas y verduras
a cereal grain used as food for humans and animals and for making alcoholic beverages

a legume native to East Asia, commonly used in various food products and for its oil

soya, soja
a type of tall tropical plant that sugar can be extracted from its stems

caña de azúcar
to secure and connect an animal to equipment like a plow, carriage, or sled for controlled movement or work

poner un arnés a
to remove something, such as a plant or tree, by pulling it completely out of the ground

arrancar, arrancar de raíz
an animal that is the offspring of a male donkey and a female horse, which is particularly used to carry heavy loads

a structure that is made by bees, consisting of six-sided cells where they store their honey

turkeys, chickens, geese, ducks, etc. that are kept for their eggs and meat

aves de corral