Lista de Palabras Nivel B2 - Expresar una Opinión
Aquí aprenderá algunas palabras en inglés sobre cómo expresar una opinión, como "account", "approve", "approval", etc. preparadas para estudiantes de B2.
Tarjetas de memoria
to form a judgment on the quality, worth, nature, ability or importance of something, someone, or a situation

the act of judging or evaluating someone or something carefully based on specific standards or principles

evaluación, valoración
the ability to make sound judgments and think in a practical way

sentido común
a judgment or calculation of the size, extent, value, etc. of something without knowing the exact details or numbers

estimación, cálculo aproximado
a strong disagreement or argument over something that involves many people

a public meeting place where people can discuss and exchange views on various topics or issues

an opposing argument or viewpoint that challenges an idea or theory

a strong disagreement or conflict between two countries that often involves military action

a discussion about a particular issue between two opposing sides, mainly held publicly

debate, discusión
to disagree with someone or to hold different opinions, viewpoints, or beliefs

to reach an opinion or decision based on available evidence and one's understanding of the matter

to not appreciate a person or thing because one thinks one will never lose them
a conclusion one reaches from the existing evidence or known facts

inferencia, deducción, conclusión
used to express an individual's opinion on a particular matter

en lo que a mí respecta, por lo que a mí respecta
to not to be able to approve or accept someone or something

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