500 اسم رایج انگلیسی - 126 - 150 اسم برتر
در اینجا قسمت 6 از لیست رایج ترین اسم های انگلیسی مانند "step"، "form" و "cell" در اختیار شما قرار می گیرد.
املای کلمه
the act of raising one's foot and putting it down in a different place in order to walk or run

the very strong emotion we have for someone or something that is important to us and we like a lot and want to take care of

the unit of money in the US, Canada, Australia and several other countries, equal to 100 cents

a device or piece of equipment for taking photographs, making movies or television programs

the thing we move to enter, exit, or access a place such as a vehicle, building, room, etc.

the connection among two or more things or people or the way in which they are connected

a physical power, strength, or energy that allows an object to change its motion or position

توان, قدرت، زور، نیرو
a different form of something particular when compared with its previous form or forms

نسخه, ورژن
an area with human population that is smaller than a city and larger than a village

شهر (کوچک)