نظر - موافقت یا تایید
دریابید که اصطلاحات انگلیسی مانند "زمینه مشترک" و "به مهربانی" چگونه با توافق یا تایید در انگلیسی ارتباط دارند.
to show that one is attracted by or pleased with someone or something

با آغوش باز پذیرفتن, راحت پذیرفتن، علاقه داشتن
shared opinions, beliefs, or interests between parties that have disagreements about other things

وجه مشترک, وجه تشابه
used to acknowledge the validity or logic behind someone's assertion, even if one doesn't entirely agree with it

منطقیه!, درسته
used to tell someone that one completely understands or agrees with what they are saying

میفهممت, میفهمم چی میگی
used to express one's complete agreement with someone's statement

گل گفتی, کاملا موافقم
to completely agree with someone and understand their point of view

توافق نظر داشتن
to attempt to make people accept ideas, opinions, etc. that they already agree with

برای متقاعد کردن کسانی که از قبل با شما هم عقیده هستند تلاش کردن
used to say that one person has the same ideas, opinions, or mentality as another person

همعقیده, هماندیشه، همنظر
a situation in which two parties are in full agreement with one another

توافق نظرات
an instance or gesture that indicates approval or satisfaction

نشانه موافقت, نشانه تایید
to say or do the exact right thing in a particular situation

وسط خال زدن, کاملا درست گفتن
to support someone who will later bring one profit by achieving success

فرد درستی را پشتیبانی کردن
used to refer to something as a good idea or a reasonable choice

بد نیست که, بد نمیشه اگه...
used to emphasize the truth of what one is saying

درست همینطور است, دقیقا همین است که شما میگویید
to sign a document to show that one has agreed to do or buy something

قرارداد خرید چیزی را امضا دادن