Interjections - Interjections de magie et de superstition
Ces interjections sont utilisées comme incantations dans le cadre de spectacles magiques ou comme exclamations superstitieuses pour éviter la malchance.
used as a word uttered by magicians during performances
used colloquially to evoke a sense of enchantment or to refer to the idea of something magical happening
abracadabra, hocus-pocus
used in magic shows or performances, where objects or situations appear to change instantly
pouf!, abracadabra!
used in magic tricks and performances, where objects or situations seem to change or resolve instantly
abracadabra, et voilà
used as part of the magician's patter to create excitement and anticipation for the magical effect about to occur
abracadabra, sésame
used in popular culture as a whimsical and mystical phrase accompanying magic tricks
abracadabra, cachou
used as a magical command to open doors or gain entrance to hidden places
sésame, ouvre-toi
used as a mystical incantation or magical command to create an air of enchantment and wonder
abracadabra, hocus pocus
used to playfully or superstitiously prevent bad luck or to acknowledge a coincidence where two people say the same thing at the same time
Jinx !, Jinx ! (utilisé pour faire allusion à une coïncidence)
used to bring good luck or to ward off bad luck, especially when said on the first day of a new month
Lapin blanc ! Que ce mois nous apporte à tous chance et prospérité., Lapin blanc ! Puisse ce mois nous porter chance.
used after saying or hearing a positive statement to make bad luck go away
touche du bois, je touche du bois
said after a positive statement to hypothetically assure the continuation of good luck
touche du bois, frappe du bois