TOEFL के लिए उन्नत शब्दावली - प्राकृतिक घटनाएँ और पर्यावरण
यहां आप प्राकृतिक घटनाओं और पर्यावरण के बारे में कुछ अंग्रेजी शब्द सीखेंगे, जैसे "ओस", "गस्ट", "आई", आदि जो टीओईएफएल परीक्षा के लिए आवश्यक हैं।
समीक्षा करें
to cover a stretch of land with a lot of water
जलमग्न करना, सैलाब आना
a weather phenomenon with an extensive circulation of winds around a central region of high barometric pressure that is connected with calm and fine weather
एंटी साइक्लोन
a large collection of islands or the sea surrounding them
the tiny water drops that form on cool surfaces during the night, caused by condensation
a small amount of rain, snow, etc. that moves in a quick and stormy way and lasts only for a short period of time
हल्की बर्फबारी, छोटी बर्फबारी
a long pointed piece of ice formed by the freezing of dripping water from a surface such as a roof
बरफ की शिला, बर्फ की लटकी हुई चट
a type of cloud that is dark, grey, and large, often producing rain or snow
निम्बस, निम्बोस्टेटस
snow, rain, hail, etc. that falls to or condenses on the ground
वृष्टि, बारिश
a period during which the weather becomes warmer causing snow and ice to melt
पिघलना, थॉव
a risk to human health or to the environment caused by a biological source, especially microorganisms
जैव जोखिम, जैविक खतरा
a sudden, violent natural disaster that drastically alters the earth's landscape
प्रलय, भूकंप
the act or process of making a substance or place dirty or polluted, especially by dangerous substances
प्रदूषण, संदूषण
liquid waste or sewage discharged into rivers, lakes, or the sea
अपशिष्ट जल, मुख्य जल
the point on the surface of the earth vertically above the focus of an earthquake where its effects are felt most strongly
भूकंप का केन्द्र
the calm area at the center of a storm, hurricane, or tornado
चक्रवात की आंख, तूफान की आंख
a long thick wall built in order to prevent water flooding onto a lower area, especially from the sea
बाँध, नहर
a level path, typically beside the sea or a river, that is wide and open where people may walk by for pleasure
लौटना, पदयात्रा
a deep narrow valley, typically with a stream running through it
घाटी, कण
a narrow piece of land with water on each side that connects two larger areas
one of the imaginary lines between the North Pole and the South Pole, drawn on maps to help pinpoint a location
a muddy and wet piece of land in which it is possible to get stuck
कीचड़, स्रोत
an area of land that is flat and higher than the land surrounding it
चौड़ा मैदान
a flat, wide area of land with no or very few trees in North America
प्रीरी, समतल भूमि
a raised narrow mass of land that sticks out into the sea
प्रमाणन, नुकील
the highest point that a certain celestial body reaches, directly above an observer
relating to the movement and arrangement of the Earth's crust