Fejlett Szókincs a TOEFL-hez - Argumentation
Itt megtudhat néhány angol szót az érvelésről, például "avow", "posit", "credulous" stb., amelyek szükségesek a TOEFL vizsgához.
to officially resolve a disagreement between people
dönteni, vitarendezés
to express if one is for or against an idea or arguement
kifejezni magát, állást foglalni
to prove something or someone wrong or false through evidence or argumentation
megcáfol, visszautasít
to estimate something using past experiences or known data
extrapolálni, következtetni
to suddenly interrupt someone with one’s own opinion or remark
belefúr, közbeszól
to express one's opinion
véleményt nyilvánítani, kibővíteni a véleményt
to state one's opinion in such a manner that shows one believes to be the only person to fully know it and be unarguably correct
pontifikálni, dogmatikusan beszélni
to propose or assume something as true or factual, serving as the foundation for further reasoning or argumentation
feltenni, meghatározni
to back up or form the basis of an argument by providing support
támogatni, megalapozni
to be undecided and not know what opinion, idea, or course of action to stick to
tépelődni, hezitálni
(of an argument) directed against a person and not their point of view
ad hominem
extremely self-assertive in a way that annoys others
kényes, pöffeszkedő
believing things easily even without much evidence that leads to being easy to deceive
hiszékeny, naiv
referring to the method of argumentation or discourse that involves the exchange of opposing ideas or viewpoints in order to reach a deeper understanding or resolution
acting as a conversation medium between two groups of people so they can create an argument
közvetítő, köztes
not expressing one's definite opinion or intention clearly, especially in an argument
határozatlan, kötetlen
involving rational arguments to support or oppose an opinion, usually the opposite of others'
polemikus, vitatott
expressing feelings or opinions, loudly and forcefully
zajos, hangos
a situation in which a theory or argument cannot be true because two or more parts of it are contradictory
apória, ellentmondás
the process or action of logical reasoning for persuading others
érvelés, logikai megfontolás
someone whose opinion changes in accordance with the situation
kaméleon, alkalmazkodó
the practice of unsound reasoning and falsely arguing questions in a clever way
an agreement reached by all members of a group
konszenzus, egyetértés
the most important part of something on which its existence, success, or truth depends
sarkaláb, alap
the art or practice of giving a speech or reciting a poem with expression and gestures, especially as an exercise for public speaking or performance
the state in which one holds two opposing ideas at the same time
kettős gondolkodás, kettős elképzelés
a supporter of a theory, belief, idea, etc. who tries to persuade others that it is true or good in order to gain their support
támogató, híve
a limitation on freedom of speech or a restriction on dissemination of information
cenzúra, korlátozás
the state or quality of unwillingness to change one's opinion or behavior
megingathatatlanság, makacsság
an individual who thinks and behaves differently and independently
szabálytalan, független
a unique approach or perspective that is centered around a particular opinion
megközelítés, nézőpont
a type of logical argument that uses deductive reasoning to conclude based on two premises claimed or supposed to be true
used humorously to show that someone has made a good point in an argument or discussion
szép munka, jól megmondtad
to involve someone in an argument, conflict, or complex situation
belekever, összezavar