
Lényeges Szókincs a GRE-hez - Paranoiás Android

Itt megtanulhat néhány angol szót a számítógépről és az internetről, mint például "trójai faló", "korrupt", "router" stb., amelyek a GRE vizsgához szükségesek.









Indítsa el a tanulást
Essential Words Needed for the GRE

relating to or using signals in which information is represented through constant changing of physical quantities

analóg, analóg (jelekhez kapcsolódó)

analóg, analóg (jelekhez kapcsolódó)

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trojan horse

a harmful program that pretends to be legitimate and can give unauthorized access to a device

trójai faló

trójai faló

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source code

a text containing instructions in a specific order that supports a programming language which human can read and it specifies the behaviors of a computer system



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to authenticate

to verify a device, user, or process before an access to the computer's resources is allowed

hitelesít, ellenőriz

hitelesít, ellenőriz

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to boot

to start a computer, typically involves setting up hardware elements to prepare the computer for use

elindít, bootol

elindít, bootol

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beta version

a test version of software released to users to find and fix bugs before the final release

béta verzió, tesztverzió

béta verzió, tesztverzió

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a program that automatically loads and initializes the operating system on a computer

betöltés, kezdet

betöltés, kezdet

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(computing) a type of computer memory in which information that is often in use can be stored temporarily, a cache can be accessed quickly and is needed while a program is running

gyorsítótár, cache

gyorsítótár, cache

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(computing) a temporary storage area for data that has been copied or cut

vágólap, clipboard

vágólap, clipboard

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the ability of a computer, software, or equipment to work with another device or software

kompatibilitás, egyezés

kompatibilitás, egyezés

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the set-up, hardware, and software of a computer that makes a complete system

konfiguráció, beállítás

konfiguráció, beállítás

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to corrupt

to cause errors or damage to a digital file, program, or system, either intentionally or unintentionally, due to a malfunction or interference

megrongálni, elrontani

megrongálni, elrontani

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the non-physical space in which communication over computer networks takes place

kibertér, virtuális tér

kibertér, virtuális tér

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a tool that analyzes and identifies issues, errors, or problems within the software or system

diagnosztikai eszköz, diagnózis

diagnosztikai eszköz, diagnózis

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to disassemble

to convert machine code back into human-readable assembly language or source code for analysis or modification

dizasszemblálni, dekódolni

dizasszemblálni, dekódolni

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a small hardware device that connects to a computer, smartphone, or other electronic device to provide additional functionality

dongle, adapter

dongle, adapter

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an electronic device that connects computer networks and sends data between networks

route, router

route, router

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read-only memory

a type of non-volatile memory in a computer or electronic device where data is permanently stored

csak olvasható memória, ROM memória

csak olvasható memória, ROM memória

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proxy server

a server that acts as an intermediary between a user's device and the internet, forwarding requests and responses to enhance security, privacy, or performance

proxy szerver, proxy

proxy szerver, proxy

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unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or use of copyrighted materials, such as software, music, movies, or books

kalózkodás, illegális másolás

kalózkodás, illegális másolás

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a small piece of code or update applied to existing software to fix issues, enhance functionality, or address vulnerabilities

javítás, frissítés

javítás, frissítés

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(computing) describing a computer program whose source code is available to everyone

nyílt forrású, open source

nyílt forrású, open source

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a condition where an electrical system or device receives more current than it can safely handle

túlterhelés, túlnyomás

túlterhelés, túlnyomás

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(of software or a code) intentionally designed to harm, damage, or disrupt computer systems, networks, or data

rosszindulatú, ártalmas

rosszindulatú, ártalmas

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a private network within an organization for internal communication, collaboration, and resource sharing among members



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(computing) the program through which a user can interact with a computer, especially its design and appearance

felhasználói felület

felhasználói felület

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to encrypt

to convert data or information into a coded form, mainly to prevent unauthorized access

titkosítani, kódolni

titkosítani, kódolni

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a technology that compresses and decompresses audio or video data; facilitating efficient storage, transmission, and playback of multimedia content

kodek, kódoló-decódoló

kodek, kódoló-decódoló

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(computing) a type of software stored in a way that it cannot be modified or erased

firmware, beágyazott szoftver

firmware, beágyazott szoftver

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to generate

to create a new set of data by using a mathematical or logical process to transform an existing set of data

generálni, létrehozni

generálni, létrehozni

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clock speed

the speed at which a computer can process information, expressed in (MHz)

órajelentési sebesség, órajelentési frekvencia

órajelentési sebesség, órajelentési frekvencia

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a unit for measuring the size of computer data that equals 8 bits



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a numerical system that uses only two digits, 0 and 1, as its base



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characterized by a mode in which data or a file is accessible for viewing but cannot be modified or altered

csak olvasható, csak olvasási mód

csak olvasható, csak olvasási mód

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to rip

to extract audio or video content from a physical medium, such as a CD or DVD and convert it into a digital format for storage or playback

rippelni, kivonni

rippelni, kivonni

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a data structure that removes data in the reverse order of saving them and serves as a temporary storage

verem, halom

verem, halom

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local area network

a network for communication between computers, usually within a building

to troubleshoot

to identify, analyze, and resolve problems or malfunctions in a system, device, or process to restore it to proper functioning

hibaelhárítás, problémák diagnosztizálása

hibaelhárítás, problémák diagnosztizálása

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random-access memory

a type of computer memory tasked with temporarily storing data for a quicker access

véletlen elérésű memória, RAM

véletlen elérésű memória, RAM

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graphical user interface

the visual interaction that users have with the computer through icons, menus, etc.

grafikus felhasználói felület, felhasználói felület grafikus

grafikus felhasználói felület, felhasználói felület grafikus

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